

1. With one of his lawyers Aron Nova standing beside him, Glenn Ford has been speaking to Julian Marshal. First, what's life been like since being released?


2. So you have been getting a lot of sympathy, but have you been getting a lot of material support, as well?

“have/has been+现在分词”属于现在完成进行时。

3. But how are you kind of coping with what have been enormous sort of changes in the world since you were originally sent to prison?

“since”后面加一个过去时间点,前面用现在完成时“have been……”

“what have been enormous……”名词性从句做“cope with”的宾语;


49:尼日利亚未成年女孩被迫出嫁毒死丈夫Nigeria child bride'poisons older husband'


We move to Africa now. And a child bride in northern Nigeria has admitted killing her husband just a week after she was married. She said she was forced to marry a 35-year old. And she apparently put rat poison in the food that was sharing at a family dinner.

I spoke with the spokesperson of northern Nigeria. Actually 14 people ate the meal.4 peopledied. And 10 people are now hospitalized. The young bride confessed that she did carry out the act by putting rat poison into the food. And she said that she didn't love the man. She was forced into that marriage and decided to do what she did.

They said she has confessed. And they would charge her to court. And she would be charged with murder.

Are there juvenile detention centers for under-18's charge with crimes in Nigeria?

What could happen to her now that she's admitted killing her husband and other family members?

Well, officially there are, but func-tionally you don't find them. And there are no juvenile courts, but there are juvenile detention centers. These things are official but they are very few in some parts of the country, not everywhere. But I know that things like this, when young people are being accused of or found guilty of doing something, they are held in a detention camp until they attain *****hood before they'll be transferred to the prison.








单词解析Word analysis

1. force[f??s]v.强迫

例句:Government troops have forced the rebels to surrender.


2. poison['p??(?)n]v.毒害

例句:He killed several people by poisoning their tea.


3. charge[t?ɑ?d?]v.指控

例句:Gibbons has been charged with murder.


4. juveniIe['d?u?v?na?l]adj.少年的

例句:Juvenile crime is common in the region.


5. detention[d?'ten?(?)n]n.拘留,监禁

例句:Willis was held in detention for five years.


6. guiIty['g?lt?]adj.内疚的

例句:I feel really guilty at forgetting her birthday again.


7. attain[?'te?n]v.获得

例句:More women are attaining positions of power.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. We move to Africa now. And a child bride in northern Nigeria has admit-ted killing her husband just a week after she was married.


2. And she would be charged with murder.

“will/would be+过去分词”属于将来时被动语态。

3. The young bride confessed that she did carry outthe act by putting rat poison into the food.

“do+动词原形”表明“的确做某事”,“by putting rat poison into the food”表方式状语。

4. But I know that things like this when young people are being accused of or found guilty of doing something, they are held in a detention camp until they attain *****hood before they'll be transferred to the prison.

“accuse sb of”,“控告某人做某事”;“before they'll be transfe rred to the prison”做时间状语,表明“其后会怎么样”。

50:拉斯维加斯百万美元象棋大赛Million-Dollar Chess Tournament in Las Vegas


The first million-dollar chess tournament is taking place in Las Vegas with the aim of changing the whole feature of the game. The ancient sport of chess is about to change, forever.

Well, that is what the organizers of the millionaire chess tournament would like to see happen. They've put up a million dollars in prize money, brought the whole show to Las Vegas and tried to change the game's image. Chess will never be the same.

The idea came from Maurice Ash-ley, the first African American chess grand master and a bit of a showman. A million dollars in Las Vegas go together and chess needs to get a new facelift. But this is the United States. We do things big. We do things grandiose. And if you are gonna get any kind of public attention in the U.S.,you've got to bring the excitement. And a million dollars in Vegas spells the excitement.

Hundreds of players came from 40 countries. My name is Sasha. And I came here to play chess and win. It has very little respect in this country. I think then in the future we'll see a lot more girls. There are a lot of us that are very strong. Well, this is the sound of 500 people playing chess in a huge ballroom here in Vegas.

Lawrence Trent was an international chess master and turned commentator. A young person's game. It's not an old person's game. This is definitely one of the biggest games that I've won. Yeah, this is definitely one of the biggest games that I've won. I keep playing because it’s fun. It's fun playing good moves. And it's fun coming up with new ideas. Chess has always been about just the professional players. But here you have a tournament where we have armatures excelling.




提出该想法的是首位非洲裔美国象棋大师兼演艺工作者Maurice Ashley。拉斯维加斯,100万美元——象棋需要改头换面。但这是在美国,我们是要把事情做大,做宏伟的。要想得到美国公众的关注,就必须为他们带来刺激。在拉斯维加斯赚100万美元就是本次大赛的刺激点所在。
