54:中情局入侵国会电脑CIA hacked computers of congressional staff
And now to the story of the unexpected and rather shocking allegation made in Washington Monday by the head of the US senate intelligence committee Dianne Feinstein. She said the Central Intelligence Agency had improperly searched computers of congressional staff, who were investing allegations that it tortured suspects during the Bush administration.'I have grave concerns that the CIA search may well have violated the separation of powers principles embodied in the United States constitution, including the speech and debate laws. It may have undermined the constitutional framework, essential to effective congressional oversight of Intelligence activities or any other government function. I have asked for an apology and a recognition that this CIA search of computers used by its oversight committee was inappropriate. I have received neither.'Senator Feinstein said the Agency had obstructed the investigation, lied about its activities, and electronically removed files from the committee's computers. The CIA director John Brennan strongly denied that it happened.'As far as the allegations of, you know, CIA hacking into senate computers, nothing can be further from the truth. We wouldn't do that. I mean, that's just beyond the scope of reason in terms of what we do.'The former officer Robert Bear told the BBC he was surprised Ms. Feinstein made the allegations so publicly on the floor of the Chamber.
单词解析Word analysis
1. unexpected[?n?k'spekt?d;
例句:Her death was totally unexpected.
2. aIIegation[?l?'ge??(?)n]n.指控,陈述
例句:The teacher made serious allegations against a colleague.
3. grave[gre?v]adj.严重的,严峻的
例句:I have grave doubts about his ability.
4. essentiaI[?'sen?(?)l]adj.极其重要的,必不可少的
例句:It is essential to book in advance.
5. function['f??(k)?(?)n]n.功能,作用
例句:The church fulfils a valuable social function.
6. apoIogy[?'p?l?d??]n.道歉
例句:I feel I owe you an apology.
7. scope[sk??p]n.范围
例句:Let us extend the scope of the study to examine more factors.
语法知识点Grammar points
1. And now to the story of the unexpected and rather shocking allegation made in Washington Monday by the head of the US senate intelligence committee Dianne Feinstein.
“made in Washington……”属于后置定语,修饰“allegation”。
2. It may have undermined the constitutional framework, essential to effective congressional oversight of Intelligence activities or any other government function.
“may have+过去分词”表明对过去某件事件作出猜测,“可能……”;“essential to……”做后置定语,修饰“the constitutional framework”,省略“which was”。
3. As far as the allegations of, you know, CIA hacking into senate computers, nothing can be further from the truth.
“nothing can be further from the truth”表明“没有什么事情比这件事离真相更远了”,也就是说“这件事情纯属无稽之谈”。
4. She said the Central Intelligence Agency had improperly searched computers of congressional staff, who were investing allegations that it tortured suspects during the Bush administration.
“said”后面部分是宾语从句,省略that;“who”引导非限制性定语从句,修饰“congressional staff”;“that”引导定语从句,修饰“allegations”。
55:俄国总统****承认克里米亚是独立国家Russia’s Vladimir Putin recognizes Crimea as nation
President Putin has signed an order recognizing Crimea as an independent and sovereign state with immediate effect, it comes shortly after the Untied States and the European Union imposed targeted sanctions on key Russian and Ukrainian officials connected with Moscow's intervention in Crimea. Mr. Putin is to address both Houses of the Parliament and the nation on Tuesday. Artyom Liss is the head of the BBC Russian service.
President Obama said he wanted to make it clear there would be conse-quences for provoking the secession and said further sanctions could again be announced. But he stressed there was still a path to solve the crisis diplomatically. White House spokesman Jay Carney. when asked by journalists whether sanctions could be imposed on Mr. Putin, gave this response.
'The authority exists to apply sanctions to a variety of individuals and entities, we are not going to rule out individuals or rule out actions except to say that there will be costs imposed on Russia, additional costs imposed on Russia if Russia does not change direction here when it comes to how it's handling the situation in Ukraine.'
Among those already targeted are senior Crimean officials, and deputy Russian prime minister, members of the parliament and commands of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Russia's Western and Southern military district, units of which are deployed in Crimea. The EU's Foreign Policy chief Catherine Ashton said those singled-out for travel and asset bans were responsible for threatening Ukraine's territory integrity and independence. The Russian deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said US measures reflected it designed to impose its own unilateral unbalanced approach.