

57:北约秘书长:不安全因素比防卫代价更大Nato Chief:Insecurity is more expensive than defence


Nato says it's reviewing all ties with Russia because of the continuing crisis in Ukraine. The defence organization announced its decision after meeting with Russian officials in Brussels. From where Matthew Price reports.

The Nato Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that the situation in Ukraine presents serious implications for the security of the EuroAtlantic area. He says Russia continues to vio-late Ukraine's sovereignty, because of that, the entire range of Nato-Russia cooperation under review, planning for the first Nato-Russia joint mission has been suspended. Both were to have been involved in putting Syria's chemical weapons beyond use. Other contacts between Nato and Russia will also be stopped, for now Russia's envoy to Nato accused the alliance of applying Cold War stereotype to his country.

The Russia Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has left Paris without talking to members of Ukraine's interim government. Mr. Lavrov met the American Secretary of State John Kerry and European foreign ministers and agreed to continue talks in the coming days. He said that pressure from international bodies such as Nato was not helpful.

'These actions are not helpful in creating atmosphere of dialogue and constructive cooperation. John Kerry admitted that this atmosphere needs to be created under conditions of threats and ultimatums. It is difficult to work on honest agreements that could help the Ukrainian people to stabilize the situation.'

Later Mr. Kerry told a news con-ference they had initiated a process that he hoped would lead to a de-escalation in Ukraine. Separately, the Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the crisis in a phone call with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel.







单词解析Word analysis

1. review[r?'vju?]v.审查,研究

例句:We will review your situation and decide how we can help you.


2. range[re?n(d)?]n.范围,界限

例句:Your blood pressure's well within the normal range.


3. suspend[s?'spend]v.中止,暂停

例句:Sales of the drug will be suspended until more tests are completed.


4. stereotype['ster??(?)ta?p;


例句:There exist racist stereotypes in the media.


5. constructive[k?n'str?kt?v]adj.建设性的,积极的

例句:We welcome any constructive criticism.


6. stabiIize['ste?b?la?z]v.使稳定,使稳固

例句:The patient's condition has now stabilized.


7. escaIation[esk?'le??(?)n]n.升级,上升

例句:The escalation of fighting in June worried us a lot.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. Both were to have been involved in putting Syria's chemical weapons beyond use.

“be to”表将来动作;“be invoIved in”卷入,参与某事;“beyond use”超出其正常使用范围。

2. John Kerry admitted that this atmosphere needs to be created that under conditions of threats and ultimatums, it is difficult to work on honest agreements that could help the Ukrainian people to stabilize the situation.

“that”引导宾语从句;“under conditions of”在……条件下;“work on sth”从事于,致力于。

3. Later Mr. Kerry told a news conference they had initiated a process that he hoped would lead to a de-escalation in Ukraine.

“they had……”属于宾语从句,其中“that”引导定语从句,修饰前面的“a process”。“initiate”发起;“Iead to sth”导致某事4. He says Russia continues to violate Ukraine's sovereignty, because of that, the entire range of Nato-Russia cooperation under review, planning for the first Nato-Russia joint mission has been suspended.

“that”指的是“He says Russia continues to vioIate Ukraine’s sovereignty”;“the enter……review”和“pIanning for the……suspended”属于并列句;后面那个句子主语是“pIanning for the first Nato-Russia joint mission”;“under review”交付审查。

58:安吉拉·默克尔在白金汉宫会见女王Angela Merkel meets the queen at buckingham palace


The German Chancellor Angela Merkel was given the red carpet treat-ment on her one-day visit to London on Thursday. She was given the honor of addressing both houses of parliament and she had tea with the Queen. Many were hoping she would give a clue about her views on any renegotiation of Britain's relationship with the European Union, but Mrs. Merkel said both people would be disappointed.'Supposedly or so I have heard, some expect my speech to pave the way for a refinement reform of the European architecture, which will satisfy all kinds of alleged or actual British wishes. I'm afraid they are in for a disappointment. I've also heard that others are expecting the exact opposite and hoping that I would deliver a clear and ****** message here in London that the rest of Europe is not prepared to pay almost any price to keep Britain in the European Union. I'm afraid these hopes will be dashed, too.'