

Extracts from sensitive communica-tions between British and US leaders in the runup of the Iraq War will be made public in Britain but the full versions will remain secret. The Chilcot inquiry into the origins of the conflict heard from its last witness more than 3 years ago, but its conclusions have been delayed as Norman Smith reports.'Although a deal is not being struck between the Chilcot Inquiry and the government, it's likely to prove hugely controversial. Under the deal, the full Blair letters will not be published, instead only what is described as gist of the content will be released. Direct quotations from the letters will also be kept to a minimum. President Bush's responses will not be included and still no timetable for publication.'

The US car maker Ford has announ-ced that it is recalling almost 1. 4 million vehicles because of potential defects. More than a million sports utility vehicles or SUVs are being returned over a possible loss of power steering. In addition, nearly 300,000 cars are being recalled, because their floor mats could interfere with the operation of the accelerator.






单词解析Word analysis

1. campaign[k?m'pe?n]vi.作战;参加竞选n.运动;活动;战役

例句:The army is beating up recruits for the campaign.


2. jeopardize['d?ep?da?z]vt.危害;使陷危地;使受危困

例句:His foolish behaviour may jeopardize his whole future.


3. drop out of schooI辍学

例句:The boys lived, but the illness induced by their exposure forced them to drop out of school.


4. significant[s?g'n?f?k(?)nt]adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;

例句:But if they do, it will be significant for a few reasons.


5. domestic[d?'mest?k]adj.国内的;家庭的;

例句:The film tells about a domestic tragedy.


6. runup['r?n?p]n.迅速增大

例句:You should know that in general I'm not a good stock prophet;I didn't see the big 2009 runup, for example.


7. controversiaI[?k?ntr?'v???l]adj.有争议的

例句:This is a controversial question.


8. gist[d??st]n.主旨,要点;依据

例句:In this article, we kept this simple to convey the gist of the strategy.


9. potentiaI[p??ten?l]adj.潜在的;可能的

例句:In this case, we should not be worrying about our potential limitations.


例句:But more than that;'utility'is not a thing or an entity;it is simply the name for a subjective evaluation in the mind of each individual.

10. utiIity[ju??t?l?ti]n.实用;效用;公共设施


11. interfere with干扰,干涉

例句:But that is your affair;we do not interfere with your problems.


语法知识点Grammar points

Young brides also often live as virtual prisoners with few social connections, have hardly any power in their new homes and frequently suffer domestic violence.


“as”做连词,意为“像……一样”。本句中的few, hardly都表示否定含义。

09:卡塔尔被指控2022足球世界杯举办权存在违规行为及其他新闻热点World Cup Qatar 2022:Platini calls for re-vote if claims true&;other hot topics


Qatar has denied new allegations of wrongdoing in connection with its successful bid to host the 2022 football World Cup. The Sunday Times alleged that a Qatari former member of FIFA executive committee Mohamed Bin Hammam paid several million dollars to football officials to back his country's bid. Mark Mardell reports from Qatar.

If proven, these new allegations could change the fortunes not just of a sports tournament but of a country, Qatar. It's been built up to accommodate the double number of passengers through its brand-new 15-billion-dollar international airport, and also planning 20 new hotels of four or five-star quality. The Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy strongly denies all the wrongdoings alleged by the Sunday Times. In fact, they say that Mohamed Bin Hammam played no official or unofficial role in securing the bid for Qatar in 2022.

The former Prime Minister of Luxemburg Jean-Claude Junker says he's confident of becoming the next president of the European Commission, despite opposition from Britain. Mr. Junker has the backing of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Steve Evins reports from Berlin.

After the European elections, Mr. Junker emerged as a chosen candidate of the center right parties which have the most seats in the newly elected European parliament. The difficulty is that some EU leaders, with Mr. Cameron at the forefront, are opposing him. The German magazine Der Spiegel said that Mr. Cameron told Chancellor Merkel that if Mr. Junker got the job, Britain would be much more likely to leave the EU. Mr. Junker's now said that attempts to block him are blackmail. Steve Evins.






单词解析Word analysis

1. aIIegation[?l?'ge??(?)n]n.主张,断言;辩解

例句:She declared that the allegation was a lie.
