
第76章 想讲就讲(4)

The key element of China's reform and opening-up is to free people's mind and the most fundamental and significant component is institutional innovation. Through economic reform, we have built a socialist market economy, where the market plays a primary role in allocating resources under government macro regulation.We have carried out political reform, promoted democracy and improved the legal system.People are the masters of the country.We run the country according to law and endeavor to build a socialist country under the rule of law.The essence of China's reform and opening-up is to put people first and meet their ever growing material and cultural needs through releasing and developing productive forces.It aims to give everyone equal opportunities for all-round development.It aims to protect the democratic rights of the people and promote stability, harmony and ******* of everyone so that he or she may pursue happiness with ingenuity and hard work.







My address will follow the classical sonata form of commencement addresses. The first movements, just presented, were light-hearted remarks.This next movement consists of unsolicited advice, which is rarely valued, seldom remembered, never followed.As Oscar Wilde said,“The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on.It is never of any use to oneself.”So, here comes the advice.

First, every time you celebrate an achievement, be thankful to those who made it possible. Thank your parents and friends who supported you, thank your professors who were inspirational, and especially thank the other professors whose less-than-brilliant lectures forced you to teach yourself.Going forward, the ability to teach yourself is the hallmark of a great liberal arts education and will be the key to your success.To your fellow students who have added immeasurably to your education during those late night discussion, hug them.Also, of course, thank Harvard.Should you forget, there's an alumni association to remind you?

Second, in your future life, cultivate a generous spirit. In all negotiations, don't bargain for the last, little advantage.Leave the change on the table.In your collaborations, always remembering that“credit”is not a conserved quality.In a successful collaboration, everybody gets 90 percent of the credit.





