
第36章 社会热点——畅谈丰富的生活百科(2)

Why make that assumption?

In Japan, marriage usuaIIy ends a womans working career, even though most women are weII educated. Once they have a chiId, women face strong sociaI pressure to quit their jobs and assume very traditionaI roIes, serving both the husband and the chiId.Mothers who want to keep working are stigmatized and usuaIIy find that empIoyers wont hire them.ChiId care is scarce and expensive, whiIe Japans brutaI work cuIture often demands that empIoyees work more than 50 hours a week.Japanese husbands arent much heIp either-they spend an average of one hour a day heIping with the chiIdren and househoId chores, compared with three hours for husbands in the US and Western Europe."You end up being a housewife with no independent income,"bank worker Eri Tomita toId The Observer."It's not an option for women Iike me."

CouId this tradition change?

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants it to. This faII, he renamed his economic pIan from Abenomics to Womenomics."Creating an environment in which women find it comfortabIe to work,"he toId the U.N.GeneraI AssembIy,"is no Ionger a matter of choice for Japan.It is instead a matter of the greatest urgency."He promised to expand day care offerings and promote flexibIe work arrangements so that women wouId no Ionger have to choose between work and chiIdbearing, and he chaIIenged businesses to promote women to senior management.Most economists, though, think that the trends won't change fast enough to prevent a reaI demographic crisis."Sooner or Iater,"said economics professor Heizo Takenaka,"Japan wiII have to face the necessity of immigration."

An epidemic of shut-ins

For years, Takeshi hid from the worId, pIaying video games aII night and sIeeping aII day, eating from a tray his mother Ieft outside his room. He was a hikikomori, one of an estimated 1 miIIion Japanese teens and young men who have become shut-ins, with virtuaIIy no human contact beyond their parents.Some of the hikikomori first withdraw because of some sociaI embarrassment-bad grades, or a romantic rejection.The Ionger they drop out, the more shame they feeI in a society where ones status and reputation are paramount and hard to change.Parents, and especiaIIy mothers, often enabIe the withdrawaI."In Japan, mothers and sons often have a symbiotic, codependent reIationship,"says psychiatrist Tamaki Saito, who first identified the disorder in the 1990s.Takeshi re-entered society after four years, thanks to a government program that sends femaIe outreach counseIors known as"rentaI sisters"to coax the hikikomoriout of the house.But that program doesnt aIways work.As one shut-in of 15 years said,"I missed my chance."




英国报纸《观察家》近日报道称日本青年对两性欢愉之事失去了兴趣,这一言论引发了一场国际口水战。感觉论者得出的结论多数基于单一的调查数据:一项调查发现,年龄处于16至24岁的年轻人中,45%的女性和25%的男性称自己不再对性爱感兴趣。这篇文章同时提到“sekkusu shinai shokogun”这个短语,意思是“无性行为综合症”,这种现象似乎是现在的主要趋势。实际上,对比过去几十年来说,更多日本单身青年已经开始享受性爱了。1990年,未婚人群中,65%的女性和45%的男性没有******,而现在,这两个数据分别降到50%和40%。一位亚洲研究教授杰夫·金士顿(Jeff Kingston)对彭博新闻社称:“日本人是当然是有性生活的,如果情侣酒店的数量在某种意义上是一种晴雨表的话,那日本人的性生活还是比较丰富的。”


不完全是。现今确有一类日本青年不去约会。取而代之的是,他们专注于网络色情和游戏诸如:任天堂的《爱相随》(Love PIus),玩家可以与动漫女友展开一段恋情。成千上万的年轻人成为隐蔽青年,长期遁世并在父母的家里玩游戏看动漫。(见下文)但是大多数日本年轻人有朋友和恋爱关系——他们只是未安家。结婚率暴跌,随之而来的出生率,以及非婚生育率在日本也很低。1975年,30岁以下的人群中,只有21%的女性和49%的男性从未结婚。截至2005年,这两个数据分别涨至60%和72%。




在日本,婚姻通常意味着女性事业的结束,即使大多数女性受过良好的教育。一旦她们有了孩子,女人们因面临强大的社会压力而不得不辞职,并扮演相夫教子的传统角色。那些想继续工作的母亲们,往往受到歧视,而且雇主们不愿雇佣她们。保育稀缺且昂贵,但日本残酷的工作文化却通常要求雇员们每周工作50小时以上。日本丈夫们也帮不上忙——比起美国和欧洲丈夫们每天3小时的育儿和家务劳动,他们平均每天花费一小时帮助育儿以及做家务。银行雇员惠理·托米塔(Eri Tomita)对《观察家》称,“成为家庭主妇意味着独立经济来源的结束,这不是我这种女人的选择。”


首相****晋三想要改变它。今秋,他把经济计划从****经济重命名为女性经济。他在联合国大会上发言“为女性创造一种舒适的工作环境,已不是日本的一种选择,而是最紧迫的问题。”他承诺扩大日间护理服务,增加灵活的工作安排,为了使日本女性不再在工作和育儿上做抉择。与此同时,****呼吁企业提拔女性高管。多数经济学家认为,这种趋势不会快到阻止一场真正的人口危机。经济学教授竹中平藏(Heizo Takenaka)称“日本早晚将面临必须移民的境况。”


近些年来,武石(Takeshi)十分避世。他通宵打电玩,白天睡觉,吃妈妈放在屋子外面的饭。他就是隐蔽青年,除了父母再没人接触他们的百万青少年中的一员。一些青年隐蔽起初是因为一些困窘诸如:糟糕的成绩或者是失恋。他们避世的时间越久,在这个人们地位和名声至关重要的社会中,他们越感卑微,这种情况很难有所改变。他们的父母,特别是母亲,经常纵容自己孩子这样做。精神病学家玉木宏齐藤(Tamaki Saito)称:“在日本,母亲和儿子通常有一种共栖,共存的关系。”他在90年代第一次发现了这个奇怪的现象。一项以“租赁姐妹”著称的政府计划,即为哄骗宅男走出家门而分派妇女做顾问的计划,使武石四年后重新认识了社会。然而这项计划并没有始终奏效,就像一个避世在家15年的宅男说的那样:“我错失了机会。”


Canadian Woman Falls off Her Horse and Wakes with a SCOTTISH Accent

A Canadian woman who feII off a horse and awoke with a Scottish accent is now to write a book about how the bizarre accident changed her Iife.

Mother of two, Sharon CampbeII-Rayment,50,who runs a horse riding schooI in Ontario had never been to ScotIand before the accident in 2008. She was knocked unconscious when she hit her head after she feII from her favorite horse MaIachi and was Ieft unabIe to taIk for severaI days.

When her voice came back, it did so with an uncontroIIabIe stutter that Ieft her needing speech therapy.

Eight weeks of work regaining her voice worked-but Sharon was stunned to discover that she now spoke in a Scottish accent using words such as'wee','grand','awright'and'briIIiant'.

Stunned doctors diagnosed foreign accent syndrome and toId her that she was one of onIy 60 peopIe around the worId who suffer from the condition.