
第58章 口语(30)

3. 表示藐视别人的炫耀,意为:那算什么?那又怎样?例如:

-Im afraid its too expensive. 恐怕太贵了。

-So what We have plenty of money. 那有什么关系?我们有的是钱。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. Whats your sign 你是什么星座的?

2. Sagittarius is fire energy. This is a very active, extroverted sign. 射手座是火相星座。射手非常主动、外向。

3. Scorpio is a water element, and this makes it a somewhat enigmaticsign. 水相星座的特质使天蝎座有些神秘。

4. Leo is fire to the core. 狮子座是火相星座的中心。

5. The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solidground form and structure. 土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的能力。

6. Good memory is Cancers born gift. 良好的记忆力是巨蟹座与生俱来的天赋。

7. Libra is a sign that is more extroverted and active. 天秤座的特性比较外向和主动。

8. Patience and caution are Capricorns advantages. 摩羯座的优点是坚持不懈和谨慎。

9. Diligence is Virgos advantage. 处女座的优点是勤奋。

10. Virgo actually find the encyclopedia exciting and read self-help andfitness books for fun. 处女座可能会发现百科全书、自助书籍或健身书籍很有趣。

11 Shall we go to the KTV after work

下班后去KTV 怎样?

触 类 旁 通

How about going to the KTV after work

下班后去KTV 怎样?

超 级 情 景 会 话

Going to KTV

Maya: OK, Allen. Its your turn. Are you ready

Allen: I really would rather just listen. Isnt there anyone else who wantsto sing

Maya: Come on! In the two hours weve been here, you havent sungeven one song!

Allen: I know, but…Hey, Stanleys here! Ive been waiting to hear himsing.

Maya: Why dont you put on an Elvis song for him He loves “TheKing”.

Allen: Ill put the song at the front of the list.

(A few minutes later…)Maya: Is Stanley still singing Hes really hogging the mike!

Allen: Im afraid so!

Maya: He sounds like a sick cow! I cant stand it any more.

Allen: Can we adjust the pitch a little Maybe hell sound better in ahigher key.

Maya: I already tried that. Nothing seems to help.

Allen: Oh my God!







艾伦:我来插播。( 几分钟之后……)







经 典 释 疑

I cant stand it any more. 我再也无法忍受了。cant stand: 不能忍受(某人、某物、做某事),通常用于口语中。常用搭配有cant stand sth. 或cant stand doing 或cant stand to do 以及cant stand sb. doing sth. 例如:

I cant stand whiskey. 威士忌我受不了。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. I love to sing karaoke. 我喜欢唱卡拉OK。

2. We are going to the KTV after dinner. 晚餐之后我们去KTV。

3. Where is the microphone 麦克风在哪里?

4. I cant find a song that I like in the catalogue. 在这本目录中我找不到我喜欢的歌曲。

5. This isnt my song. 这首歌不是我点的。

6. Push the red button on the mike to turn it on. 按麦克风上的红色按钮打开它。

7. Push the green button on the mike to bring it down half a key. 按麦克风上绿色的按钮降半个音。

8. Lets give a round of applause for Harry. 请大家给哈利掌声鼓励。

9. Id like to request a song. 我想点首歌。

10. Now its my turn. 现在轮到我了。

12 Whats your puppys name


触 类 旁 通

Whats the name of your dog


超 级 情 景 会 话

Keeping a Pet

Grace: Your dog is really cute. Whats his name

James: His name is Bingo.

Grace: What kind of dog is he

James: Were not sure because the neighbors gave him to us after they moved away.

Grace: Well, he sure likes to run around a lot. Is he well-behaved

James: Oh yes, he is. When he was a puppy, he liked to chew my fathers shoes, but hes OK now.

Grace: That sounds like my cat. She likes to scratch the couch with her claws.

James: I didnt know that you had a cat. When did you get her

Grace: About a year ago actually. Youre probably never seen her though.

James: Really Why is that

Grace: Shes not a house-cat. She stays outside most of the time.

James: Bingo could never do that. He stays in the house except when

we take him to the park.














经 典 释 疑

He stays in the house except when we take him to the park. 除了我们带他去公园,他总待在家里。except: 除了。except 表示一种排除关系,意指“除了……之外,不再有……”。例如:They all went to sleep exceptme. 除我之外,他们都睡觉了。而同样是表示“除了”,besides 表示的是一种累加关系,意指“除了……之外,还有……”。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. You shouldnt make a hasty decision when choosing a pet. 养什么宠物不能仓促决定。

2. Can your dog do any tricks yet 你的狗会做什么表演?

3. I have a dog. Its very quiet. 我有一只狗。它很安静。

4. I much prefer cats to dogs. 猫和狗之中我更喜欢猫。

5. Will you take the dog for a walk 你去遛遛狗吗

6. Were out of dog chow. 狗粮没有了。

7. What do you feed your pet 你拿什么喂你的宠物吃?

8. I cant bear having a cat in the house. 我受不了家中养猫。

9. The cat is washing itself. 猫正在给自己洗脸。

10. My dog is spoiled by us. 我的狗被我们宠坏了。

相关语句 链 接

1. sly dog 偷偷寻欢作乐的人;狡猾的人

2. big dog 要人

3. top dog 优胜者

4. clever dog 聪明的小孩

5. dead dog 没用的人

6. under dog 失败者

7. dirty dog 道德败坏的人

8. dumb dog 沉默寡言的人

9. gay dog 快活的人

10. lazy dog 懒汉

11. sea dog 老练的水手

12. in the doghouse 失宠

13. dog ones steps 跟着人走

14. work like a dog 拼命工作

15. die dog for somebody 甘为知己而献身

16. die a dogs death 潦倒而死

17. Help a lame dog over a stile. 助人于危难之中。

18. Every dog has his day. 人人皆有得意之日。

19. put on the dog 妄自尊大

20. Old dogs will learn no new tricks. 老年人学不了新的东西。

21. An old dog barks not in vain. 老年人做事有经验。

22. Dog does not eat dog. 同类不相残。

23. A good dog deserves a good bone. 有功者受赏。

24. fat cat 有财有势的人

25. old cat 脾气坏的老太婆

26. copy cat 抄袭别人的人

27. cat and dog life 争吵不休的生活

28. not a cat in hells chance 毫无机会

29.like a cat in a strange garret 胆怯腼腆的人

30. cat around 寻花问柳

31. Run around like a scalded cat. 四处奔波。

32. Bell the cat. 敢于冒险。

33. cats paw 受人愚弄的人

34. Let the cat out of the bag. 泄露机密。

35. A cat has nine lives. 生命力极强。

36. Cares killed the cat. 忧虑伤身。

37. It rains cats and dogs. 下着倾盆大雨。

38. as sleek as a cat 花言巧语,油头滑脑

39.A cat in gloves catches no mice. 四肢不勤的人,什么事也做不出来。

40. A cat may look at a king. 地位虽不同,人与人应该平等。

41. The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream. 掩耳盗铃。

13 I want to do a nail beauty.


触 类 旁 通

I feel like doing a nail beauty.


超 级 情 景 会 话

My New Nail Set

Toni: Rita, look at my new nail set. What do you think of it

Rita: Wow! Very pretty! When did you have your nails manicured

Toni: Last weekend. That nail beauty store offers many manicureservices there.

Rita: Did you do the full service