
第7章 音标(6)

Be ware! Thats a bear lair.



He lured the poor to lurethe poorer.


The tourist toured the moorin February.



I cant endure this inspection tour.


The doctor is sure to cure the poor boy.



I cant bear the dirty air.


Their parents are very careful.



Im not talking about blind optimism here-the almost willfulignorance that thinks unemployment will go away if we just donttalk about it, or the health care crisis will solve itself if we just ignoreit. Thats not what Im talking about. Im talking about somethingmore substantial. Its the hope of slaves sitting around a fire singingfreedom songs; the hope of immigrants setting out for distant shores;the hope of a young naval lieutenant bravely patrolling the MekongDelta; the hope of a millworkers son who dares to defy the odds; thehope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that Americahas a place for him, too.



If there is a child on the south side of Chicago who cant read,that matters to me, even if its not my child. If there is a senior citizensomewhere who cant pay for her preion drugs, and having tochoose between medicine and the rent, that makes my life poorer,even if its not my grandmother. If theres an Arab American familybeing rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process, thatthreatens my civil liberties.


9. /aI/-/eI/

Drop Dead Diva 《美女上错身》节选

-I hope I didnt talk toomuch.

-I was just having such a我刚才话有点多。



good time.

-Its okay. Do you think he liked me




Revenge 《复仇》节选

Daniel: Hey, babe. I know howyou like your morning coffee.

Emily: You know how I likeeverything. I missed you lastnight.

Daniel: Yeah, me, too.

Emily: Any update on Tyler

Daniel: No. He never came homelast night.








bee /bi:/ 蜜蜂


pig /pIg/ 猪


发元音/aI/ 时,嘴巴张开,上下齿分开,且上下齿部分露出。舌尖接触到下齿龈,发音过程中,下腭迅速向上移动,开口逐渐缩小。


发元音/eI/ 时,嘴巴张开,下唇略低。上下齿稍稍分开,可见部分下齿,舌尖可接触所有下齿,发音时舌头后缩。


tiger /5taIg/ 老虎


snake sneIk/ 蛇


i-time/taIm/ 时间

y-my/maI/ 我的

ie-die/daI/ 死

uy-buy/baI/ 买


a-place /pleIs/ 地方

ai-nail /neIl/ 钉子

ay-play /pleI/ 玩

ea-great /greIt/ 伟大的


He is making a play for fame.


He became famous in the late





tie /taI/ v. 打结

right /raIt/ a. 正确的

dry /draI/ a. 干的

like /laIk/ v. 喜欢

sky /skaI/ n. 天空

spy /spaI/ n. 间谍

try /traI/ v. 尝试

eyesight /5aIsaIt/ n. 视力


day /deI/ n. 天

hay /heI/ n. 干草

save /seIv/ v. 节省

say /seI/ v. 说,讲

age /eIdZ/ n. 年龄

aim /eIm/ n. 目标

gray /greI/ a. 灰色的

late /leIt/ a. 迟的,晚的


I decided to write a novel.


My wife arrived home at nine.

我妻子是9 点回到家里的。

igh-light /laIt/ 灯光 ey-they /DeI/ 他们

eigh-weight /weIt/ 重量


The rain in Spain is mainlyon the plain.


Haste makes waste.



Ill drive five miles onFriday night to see a fight that Ilike.


There is pie in my eye. WillI cry Will I die


Thats why we were able to reform a death penalty system thatwas broken. Thats why we were able to give health insurance tochildren in need. Thats why we made the tax system more fair andjust for working families, and thats why we passed ethics reformsthat the cynics said could never, ever be passed.



The genius of our founders is that they designed a system ofgovernment that can be changed. And we should take heart, becauseweve changed this country before. In the face of tyranny, a band ofpatriots brought an empire to its knees. In the face of secession, weunified a nation and set the captives free. In the face of Depression,we put people back to work and lifted millions out of poverty. Wewelcomed immigrants to our shores, we opened railroads to the west,we landed a man on the moon, and we heard a Kings call to letjustice roll down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream.


10. /aU/-/SU/

Twilight 《暮光之城》节选

Renee: Its Phil. Hes so worriedabout you.

Bella: Youre texting.

Renee: Finally, yeah. Itold him to stay down inFlorida. Honey, you aregonna love Jacksonville.

Its sunny every day,and we found the cutestlittle house, and youvegot your own bathroom.

Bella: Mom, I still want to livein Forks.







Thanksgiving Prayers 《感恩节盛宴》节选

Woman 2: Well, I guess Immost thankful that were allhealthy.

Girl: Here.

Woman 2: That nothing terriblehas happened to any of us andthat we have good friends whoinvited us over so I didnt haveto spend the last three dayscooking.

Woman 1: Ronnie

Ronnie: Well, Im thankful forhaving the best mother and wifeand children in the world.

Woman 1: Michael.

Michael: Im just glad to be home.

Woman1: And...(Monica).

Youre last.

Monica: Id like to thank ourfellow Native Americans whogave us this land in exchange formeasles, reservations and casinosso that we can have all this foodto celebrate with.

女子2: 哦。我想最该感激的就是我们都很健康。

女孩: 这里,来。

女子2: 没有可怕的事情发生在我们身上,我们有好朋友邀请我们来做客,这样我三天都不用烧饭烧菜。

女子1: 罗尼?

罗尼: 哦,我感激在世界上有个最好的妈妈,最好的妻子和孩子。

女子1: 麦克。

迈克尔: 回到家真好。

女子1: 还有……(莫尼卡)。
