

"Over the span of the next eleven years,Mr.Jennings wrote us three times,each time saying he was going to sell the lots and if we were still interested,to let him know right away.I always answered that we were interested but would have to wait.The 'time was not ripe for us'—but I did finally tell him to go right ahead and put the property on the market.I stated however that I thought it only fair to warn him,so he wouldn't be wasting his time,that the Adlers are the ones who will build on it,even if he should sell it,so it probably would be a useless bit of buying and selling to let it go to someone else meanwhile.We laughed about it—but he didn't really suspect how seriously I meant it!

"Almost eleven years passed by—and then I contacted Mr.Jennings again,saying we were now ready to buy the lot! He came to Glendale immediately and we signed the papers.What a glorious feeling it was—and such a fulfillment! As we rose to leave the office,Mr.Jennings took my hand and said:

"'Mrs.Adler—I think you put the jinx on me!'

"' Oh,no,Mr.Jennings—I wouldn't do that to any—one!'

"'Well,for your information,I think you should know that three separate times,we sat at a desk just like this to sell that lot to someone else—and something happened and the deals fell through! ...You jinxed me,all right! All of the other lots sold and this—the best one of all—had apparently been reserved for you!'

"I could have told him that I had placed it all in God's hands some thirteen,if not twenty-two,years before,and had known that our dream house was already a reality then!

You must have unwavering faith!

"But the end is not yet! After gaining actual ownership,at last,we contacted a building contractor.He looked at our plans and told us that unless we had $36,000 in our pocket we could not possibly build that house.I laughed and asked him if he had ever known anyone with that much money? He replied that the thing wrong with people like us was that we had big ideas ...that we should go to an architect and tell him how much money we had and then let him build a house accordingly.We told him that was not the house we wanted,and left.You see,I drew all the plans,too,and I wasn't settling for anything less than what had been visualized!

"Anyway,a bit dampened in spirit,I turned to my darling husband who said: 'Where's your faith? We'll build that house! There are other contractors.He just isn't the one to build it for us! Let's go and see Mr.Brown.He has a lot of information on these things.'

"We did—and Mr.Brown directed us to a possible solution.It all led to a contractor who had the exact set-up we needed.Our house is exactly as we planned it—every door and every nail—and it cost us thousands less than $36,000! All things are surely possible in God!

"Now that our dream house is practically finished and we are ready to move in,everyone who comes onto the property and sees the home which has had God as a co-builder,remarks that there is something very different about the feeling of the place.It is not just another house and lot.The craftsmen have all been most congenial and happy,there is an atmosphere of peace and contentment and harmony everywhere.

"It is interesting to note,too,that buying at the time we did was much the best.It was well worth waiting for; because,had we purchased the property previously,we would not have been protected on the utilities as we were later ...we even got a sewer! And I might add,our lot was several,in fact three thousand,dollars less than the next selling price on a lot—and you know,after seeing it,how much more desirable our hilltop location is than any of the surrounding locations!

"We would be a pretty difficult family to convince that the best partner anyone could have is not God and the God Power within!"

What do you think of "pipe dreams" now? Like the O'Briens,the Adlers attained their "dream home." It took them years longer.They didn't find it ready-made.They found the location first,then created the house in their minds and drew blueprints of it,and held to the thought that they would be able to buy the site they wanted,and get the money,one day,to build this home.It required unwavering faith and persistence,never losing sight of their goal,never permitting themselves to be disturbed or to change their original pictures and desires,sticking to what they wanted—no matter what happened!

Was it worth it? You bet it was! And you'll say the same when you set your goal in life—whatever it is—and call upon this creative power within to serve you,as it has served and is serving the O'Briens and the Adlers of this world! This power never fails you ...if you don't fail it!

The Adlers have brought up their daughters to think as they think,to picture happiness and success and good health for themselves,to be free of fear and worry thoughts,to add the power of their own visualization to the mental picturings of the parents.There is tremendous power generated in a family circle when all are in harmony."Where two or more are gathered together"—things happen!

Breathe the breath of life into your "pipe dreams" by believing in them,by maintaining your faith and your dreams,unfalteringly,come what may,and eventually,if you persevere,what once was a dream will become a glorious reality!