

In other words,get that will power,that faith,that belief,working every minute of the day—24 hours of the day—seven days a week—365 days a year.And I promise you,if you do you will shoot ahead of people in the progress you make as rapidly as high-frequency electrical discharges oscillate through the ether!

Belief takes you where you want to go with the speed of jet propulsion.Doubt and disbelief take you just as fast in the opposite direction.Belief always magnetizes; disbelief demagnetizes.

You know something of the efficacy of prayer.What is prayer but the expression of a heartfelt,earnest,sincere want or desire? The Great Master said:

What things soever ye desire,when ye pray believe that ye receive them,and ye shall have them.

And it's true! All of us know the effect of our own desires on ourselves and how events are influenced by great desires.Every economic change down through the centuries has been due to the desire of man to benefit himself.However,we must believe,have faith.Other wise,our innermost desires(prayers) become simply bursting bubbles.

The Great Master also said:

If thou canst believe,all things are possible to him that believeth.

You've heard all this before,but what you have done and what are you doing about it?

Belief—faith—is something that has to take hold of you; after you take hold of it.It has to get down inside you and work from within out.When you believe sufficiently in something,you bring it into existence in your mind.The creative power within creates it for you.Then it starts to work to duplicate it in your outer life.If you don't let your fears and worries and doubts change this picture,the original pattern you gave your subconscious of what you want,there'll come a day when you'll see it materialized,just as it once was in consciousness.

Believe—have faith—and,as I have said,and say again,to impress it indelibly upon your mind: "Anything you want can be yours!”

The tremendous power of faith!

You think faith isn't practical—that it can't do the things I claim for you? Here's a real-life demonstration of the workings of faith when the odds were millions to one against any power in the universe saving this man!

Listen! In September,1949,a nineteen-year-old Navy seaman,William Toles of Rochester,Michigan,was washed overboard from his carrier,without a life jacket.It was four o'clock in the morning and he was far out to sea,off the coast of Africa! No one saw him go overboard,and he knew when he hit the water that his chances of rescue were almost nil.

Instead,however,of surrendering to wild panic,young Toles kicked out of his dungarees,tied knots in the pants legs,and used the seat of the pants as a wind-trap to inflate the legs,thus fashioning himself an improvised life jacket.

In his own story,Bill Toles says that he tried to use the enlisted man's practice of "not worrying about the future." He felt that he would be missed on shipboard at eight o'clock muster and that search planes would be sent out to look for him,since he was on a warship which was steaming far off the courses of any regular liners.

Bill Toles had such control of himself that he even tried to sleep by resting his head against a leg of the inflated dungarees,but the big waves kept slapping him awake.Controlling his fears,this young Navy man called upon his faith in “that something"-the power of God within him—and started repeating,over and over: "Please,God—let me be rescued....Please,God—let me be rescued ...!"

But when morning came and went and no planes appeared,Bill's spirits began to sink.He had become seasick from being flailed by the waves and swallowing so much water.Yet he never lost faith and kept repeating his prayer: "Please,God—let me be rescued....Please,God—let me be rescued ...!"

At three that afternoon,after Bill Toles had been in the water eleven hours,he was sighted by sailors on the Executor,an American Export Lines freighter,who were amazed to discover a man in the ocean!

But,even more amazing ...the captain of this freighter could not explain why he had switched his ship from its usual course off Africa to a Spanish course which intersected the Navy carrier's homebound route!

Had he not done so,he would not have passed within several hundred miles of the one little spot in the vast ocean where Bill Toles,with his unfaltering faith in God,was awaiting rescue!

Bill was in such good physical shape,after all he had gone through,that he climbed the ship's ladder of the Executor unassisted,and was toasted in champagne by the ship's crew.

But Bill Toles' first act was to thank God for answering his prayer.

Will you ever again doubt in the face of such evidence that "all things are possible to him that believeth"?

What moved that captain to change the course of his ship and go unerringly to this tiny spot in the millions of square miles of water,so he could pick up a man who had faith that God would let him be rescued?

There is no limit to the reach of mind and spirit! How strong is your faith? It should be a great deal stronger after this.You will probably never be called upon to exercise such faith,under such testing,emergency conditions.It should therefore be easier for you to know and believe and to say "it is so," with respect to whatever you need in life.

Your ship will find you,one of these days,laden with all you desire,if you hold on to your faith.

This faith must be positive,expectant,unwavering and utterly sincere or it will not energize "that something" the creative power within,which must be activated before what you have pictured can be attracted to you.

In an emergency,don't try to compel the answer to come to you at any specific time,because the God consciousness does not operate within the time limitations of earth.Setting a time limit will make you tense and cause you to doubt that you will receive help in time.