

This woman,and many like her,subconsciously "expects the worst while hoping for the best," and of course the worst always happens eventually,because this is the strongest,most emotionalized thought in her mind.She keeps herself magnetized,not to good,but to bad conditions,and thereby causes "that something," the creative power within,to produce a perpetuation of the unhappy experiences of her past.She expects people to be inconsiderate,to take advantage of her,to extend no help in time of need—and she works the creative law of life infallibly against herself.She is even picturing "someone grabbing the bread she has cast upon the waters before it gets back to her."

Isn't this an "inspired" sample of visualization? What can anyone expect from such mental picturing? Certainly not a loaf of bread,not even a crumb!

You who have gained an understanding of how mind functions,can see that this unhappy woman is a classic example of one who is operating the power successfully—in reverse!

There is one great,underlying fallacy in the thinking of these types of people.If they could only realize it,they could free themselves from their erroneous,fixed ideas and snap out of their difficulties in a hurry.Here it is:

People who claim they have never been able to make their higher powers of mind work for them have,on the contrary,through wrong thinking,forced these very powers to work against them.They have caused these powers to produce failure instead of success,misery instead of happiness.

Are you using the power within against yourself?

Ask yourself now,frankly and honestly,have you been doing this,in whole or in part? If you have,this is the root of your trouble.You haven't wanted to admit you have been misusing your life forces,your higher powers of mind.But there is only one power in you,and you must use it either for good or for ill,as the result of every thought you think,every emotionalized picture you place in consciousness!

Change your thinking and you instantly commence to change conditions around you.Change the direction of a magnet and it changes the field around it,immediately,automatically.But if you vacillate back and forth from good to bad,you lose what you have gained and produce an unsettled,unhappy result.You must hold your magnetization on what you want until it has been received.This requires an exercise of will,a developed determination,a resolution to "follow through," to stay with your constructive thinking,your right mental picturing for as long as is necessary to enable "that something," the creative power within,to help you reach your objective.

I will—I will—I will—I will!

Say this to yourself,again and again,and mean it! Look in the mirror and say it.Write it down and say it.Speak it out loud to yourself when you are going about your day's activities: "I will! I will! I will! I will!" Make this resolution a part of your consciousness,build up such a strength of determination within that nothing can shake it.

A colored man,one day,was trying to get a balky mule to move.You've probably heard the story.His boss came along and said,"George,why don't you try your will power on that jackass?" George shook his head."I done tried it—but it don't do no good.He's usin' his won't power!"

Are you using your won't power? Are you telling yourself,deep down underneath,that owing to past failures,it won't be any use to try? If you are,you are killing off your will power at the very start.You can't say to yourself,on the surface,"I will" when something in your inner mind is saying right back to you,"But you can't....You won't!"

The hardest people in this world to help are those who tell you at the very outset: "I can't....I won't!"

"Won't power" is simply will power in reverse! You can get results from both,because they'1l each serve you infallibly,as you call upon them.But "won't power" can bring you nothing,and will power can bring you everything.So why not choose your win power? Why stubbornly cling to your "won't power" because,perhaps,you don't really want to make the effort that will be required to help yourself; because you lack the faith in yourself and in the power within you should have; because you are afraid of trying and failing once more? You've got to start some time if you ever hope to make anything more of yourself than you are now.Are you satisfied with yourself as you exist at the present moment? Do you think the world owes you a living,that others should help you whether you try to help yourself or not,that if you hold on long enough and suffer long enough,a change for the better is going to come,anyway?

Don't kid yourself! There is only one way out of trouble and you have to lead the way.No one else can lead you or push you.Others can show you the way,set you on your feet and point you in the right direction,but you've got to do the walking.

I will—I will—I will—I will!

This does it! "I will" puts steam in your boilers,blows the top off inertia,starts sluggish brain cells in motion,puts new life and drive into body and mind.

"I won't "paralyzes initiative,incentive,enthusiasm; it stops everything from functioning,congests body and mind,and takes all the zest and purpose out of living.

Inject yourself with "I will" power!

Step right up,brother! Which do you want—an injection of "I will power" or "I won't power"?

This is the most important decision you can ever make.Your whole future depends upon it.

The first injection will bring you a greater measure of happiness,success and health than you have ever realized before.

The second injection will bring you a greater measure of misery,failure and ill health.

Take your choice! It's free! It doesn't cost anything.Both powers are equally available and equally reliable.They will work the moment you put them into operation by saying,"I will" or "I won't."