

Thousands of men and women have either written me or told me that fear and worry have them down,that they can't rise above these feelings.They'd like to have me wave a wand over them,say "Abracadabra" and chase their fears and worries away.This would be much easier than going to work on themselves,applying the knowledge I have given them and am giving them in this book.But I have had to tell them in all frankness,straight from the shoulder,"Much as I would like to be of further help to you—the law doesn't work that way.As long as you do nothing but complain of these conditions which you have brought upon yourself through fear thinking,these unhappy conditions are due to continue."

This isn't good news to many; but it serves to shock a certain percentage into action.It depends upon how deeply you really want to rid yourself of the plague of fears and worries.You can't do it without exercising your will,without changing your thoughts from negative to positive! And this doesn't mean being positive one minute and negative the next.

You must keep at it!

I'm amused at these people who tell me they are" holding the right thought." I ask them,"For how long?" and they say,"Well,for a few minutes,anyway." You've got to get yourself in hand so that you can live the right thought,not for a few minutes,but day after day.

How far would you get in a tennis game if you returned a few balls hit by your opponent,then went to the sidelines and sat down for a few minutes,then got up and started playing again and returned a few more balls,and went back and sat down? It would be pretty silly,wouldn't it?

Well,the game of life is being played all the time ...and to win it,you've got to stay in the game,whether you like it or not.You've got to return everything that's hit at you,with all the power you can put on the ball.Your opponent is fear and worry.The only way to defeat him is by taking positive,aggressive action.Stop trying to run away.Stand up to fear and worry.Look your enemies in the eye,make them back down and do a fade-out.When you face fear with courage,fear takes it on the lam.Fear is through,he's whipped,he has no power over you as soon as you throw him a fast one with "Courage" and "I will!" written on it.This is the pulverizer.You can't be positive and negative at the same time,one or the other must prevail.Your head may be bloody but as long as you don't bow it,as long as you remain undaunted and unafraid,you will have your old enemy fear routed.He can't retain any hold on you under these positive conditions.

There's an old saying,"You don't get ulcers from what you eat—you get them from what's eating you!"

Fear can upset the chemistry of your body and make you susceptible to all manner of illnesses.Fear causes heart palpitation,indigestion,shortness of breath,nervous perspiration,nerve tension,allergic reactions and a host of other physical reactions which,in time,develop into more serious disturbances.

"I'm afraid of the dark,afraid of falling,afraid of fire,afraid of this and that,in fact I'm just about afraid of everything!" some people tell me.

"Well,what are you doing about it?" I ask them.

"What can I do?" many reply."I'm just afraid,that's all!"

Afraid,afraid.Repetition...repetition...the more they fear,the more they fear! Like always attracts like! A snowball starts rolling down a snow-covered hill.It's a little snowball at the beginning and it's an avalanche at the bottom.Unless you break up the snowball of fear it will engulf and submerge you.

Give your fears a chance to grow,keep on nourishing them with more fears and you'll have a tidal wave to contend with before you're through.

Worry,of course,is the handmaiden of fear.I was going to say she is the "consort."

George Washington Lyon has said: "Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble."

John Bunyan said he was able to eliminate worry from two days of each week.He wrote:

There are two days in the week about which and upon which I never worry.Two carefree days,kept sacredly free from fear and apprehension.One of these days is yesterday ...And the other is tomorrow!

Now,if you can eliminate fear and worry from yesterday and tomorrow,you have only to eliminate it from today,and you have it licked!

Ah! but today is the only time you are alive.Today is the only time you have to face reality.Today is the only time you have to do anything,constructive or destructive.Today,before it becomes yesterday,is your opportunity to go forward or backward! Today,before it becomes tomorrow is your chance to lay a better foundation for your future!

What are you doing with today? Are you filling it full of your usual fears and worries,thus guaranteeing that tomorrow will be a repetition of today?

Positive and negative thought

Rules the world,for good or ill

Any downward or upward trend in our world-wide economic scheme is due entirely to the way we think.When the great world leaders,the statesmen,the financiers,editors,publishers,economists,those who direct and influence the thoughts of millions in every part of the globe,permit depressed thoughts to enter into their scheme,then depressed thoughts and fear vibrations enter into the scheme of those same millions and business comes to a near standstill.

When the world's leaders change their way of thinking toss out fear and move forward instead of backwards,then the thoughts of millions change for the better and as they think constructively,business improves.

Fear,the plague of humanity,must be overcome!