

Doesn't this thrill you? The same creative power resides in you this very minute,ready for you to call upon it,to serve you,as the creative power in Dr.Bailes' consciousness served him.All you have to do is to start using it,calling upon it,directing it,exercising your will,determination,persistence,visualization,faith!

If you believe it,it is so!

Read and reread Dr.Bailes' deion of how he did it; keeping in mind,the while,how you can apply these methods in your own life!

But,don't be foolish about this thing,Remember the little ever-true gem of wisdom,"Babies crawl before they can walk." If you are a diabetic ...don't jump off the deep end before you can swim.Start preparing your mind,freeing it of fears and worries and every kind of emotional disturbance.Make contact with this God-given creative power—this healing force.Experiment with it,in little things.Observe how your body responds,how your health improves,as you maintain happier,more joyous and confident attitudes of mind.Whatever mental and emotional states you have had which helped bring on this physical condition must be removed.As you do this—you are bound to improve in general health.And the power may then come to you to employ healing in your life,as Dr.Bailes was able to demonstrate it in his.Check your development,your progress,with your doctor.All physicians now admit the great aid that a right mental attitude has in any physical recovery.They know that faith is a potent force,that when the twin killers,fear and worry are slain,the biggest job has been done!

NEVER give up hope.If physicians have passed the death sentence upon you—then you must place full dependence upon faith and the God-given healing power within you.Under these circumstances,it may be possible for you to so activate the cells of your body by your own right thinking,that a healing will take place.It has happened to thousands of other men and women when all hope was apparently gone; and what they have been able to do,you,too,can do!

We are beginning to comprehend the potential of this healing power we possess within us,not only as it can be utilized by us,but as we can apply it,to others,and even to the aid of our pets! Yes,whatever possesses intelligence can be reached by us—through feeling.You have a strong feeling of love for a dear one,and a different but equally strong feeling of love for a dog or a horse or a cat,or some other animal.Such feelings are often mutual.You can feel the love of a dear one for you … the love of a dog or a horse or a cat ...whatever form of life with which you are in harmony.

An amazing case of healing!

As proof of this,I'm now going to present an almost incredible but well-authenticated account of how Ann Davies,another friend of mine,who understands and operates "that something," the creative power within,performed an instantaneous healing on her dog,Tzaddi!

Here is Ann's own story,which is supported by affidavits from the veterinarian and five witnesses of the phenomenon:

"Over two years ago,I first observed a tiny growth in the mouth of my dog,Tzaddi,which was about the size of a pea.I thought it was a wart,and since she didn't seem troubled,I was not too disturbed.However,from time to time,I examined her mouth.and about a year ago,I noticed that the growth was getting larger.

In June of 1952,the growth started to grow more rapidly,and I became worried,so I took Tzaddi to our veterinarian,for diagnosis.He examined Tzaddi's mouth,and told me that the growth was a tumor,and that mouth tumors are quite serious for they almost always become malignant,and recommended that I do not wait too long before surgery.

"Due to circumstances beyond my control,I was unable to return Tzaddi to the veterinarian until September 4,1952,at which time the tumor had grown alarmingly,being about the size of half of my end thumb joint.Tzaddi was quite uncomfortable,and all my friends had been observing this with me.

"Dr.Short was alarmed over the rapid growth,and said we must operate immediately.An appointment was made for Saturday morning,September 6th,8 A.M.

"I retired late,on Friday night of September5th.In fact,it was really Saturday morning at 2 A.M,that I got into bed,after giving my dog Tzaddi her good-night biscuit,which she had great difficulty in chewing,and I saw the growth in her mouth.I proceeded to do my healing prayer work for various people I knew,which I always do before I sleep,when it suddenly occurred to me that I had been very foolish not to pray for Tzaddi,so I did some mental work for her,and then went to sleep.

"The alarm woke me at 7 A.M.and I quickly dressed,grabbed up Tzaddi,and drove to the veterinarian's,getting there a few minutes before 8 A.M.As I sat on the chair with Tzaddi,I suddenly remembered the treatment work of the night before,and looked into Tzaddi's mouth.There was no tumor! And yet I had seen it just six hours previously! I looked again,and examined her more carefully,but could not even see where the tumor had been! The area was smooth and clean,and looked exactly like the rest of her gum in the palate.

"The doctor arrived just then and verified my findings.I jubilantly took Tzaddi home,and have been most grateful to the Life Power for sparing my little pet the pain of an operation,or perhaps worse."

This is Ann Davies' story,and I have in my possession affidavits signed by the veterinarian,Dr.R.W.Short,confirming every statement Ann has made.I also have another affidavit,signed by five friends,witnesses to this amazing healing,two of whom I know personally,Felix V.Frazer and Dr.Paul Foster Case.The other three are Rosalie Gordon,Thelma Herkelrath and Bonnie Davies.

NEVER say that anything is impossible in the face of this and mounting evidence,from many sources,that the healing power of mind is unlimited in its functioning!