

The prize suggestion of all time,as reported by the Little Rock,Arkansas,Gazette,was made by an exasperated mother on a bus who was trying to feed her baby in the old-fashioned way.The baby,for some reason,was not interested in feeding,and finally the mother exclaimed: "If you don't take it,I'll give it to the bus driver!"

No doubt many parents are driven to distraction and beyond by the antics of their offspring,and feel called upon to use anything short of mayhem to get the children to mind them,but it is unwise to resort to fearsome and destructive suggestions as corrective measures.When a child is thus reprimanded,especially if he is in an emotionalized state,these wrong mental pictures of mishaps and misconduct and your own emphasizing of his defects take hold of his consciousness,causing him to develop a greater susceptibility toward the very things you want him to avoid or eliminate.

The homely or awkward or backward child starts out with natural handicaps,anyway,and if parents or elders constantly remind the child(repetition,reiteration!) how homely or awkward or backward he is,the child tends to become even more so.These are the very children who are in need of the finest kind of positive suggestions.Some teachers are now recognizing this need and are saying privately to unattractive or backward children,as they get the opportunity,"You're getting better looking every day! ...You're doing much better!" Like little plants that have been lacking in nourishment,these children respond and unfold remarkably,in a short time.Try this method,reinforce it with the expression of love—and watch miracles happen!

Experiments in hypnotism have demonstrated,in many ways,the power of suggestion.Once the resistance of the conscious mind has been removed and the subconscious mind can be reached directly,it will respond instantly to whatever suggestions are given it,if what is suggested is within the moral standards of the individual.When suggestions repugnant to the basic character of the person are made,he either refuses to respond or comes out from under the hypnotic spell.It would require a series of suggestions designed to alter the present moral concepts before the individual would be willing to perform any act against his fixed standard of conduct.This clearly indicates that you do not change your acts until you change your mind,that what you have become through past experience and thought,you remain until something brings about a change in your own thinking.

You can be influenced while you sleep!

Psychologists are finding that many young and older people can be helped to overcome different faults and personal habits,inhibitions and inferiorities,if suggestions are made,at their bedsides,while they sleep.The subconscious mind never sleeps.It is always aware of what is going on,in and about you.Often,however,when you are mentally and emotionally disturbed and wish to control your mind and your feelings,you find it almost impossible to do so during your waking hours.If a loved one,with whom you have a sympathetic,understanding bond,could softly but positively suggest,after you have dropped off to sleep,that you will overcome your difficulties,these thoughts might find lodgment in your consciousness and aid you in developing a more positive attitude.

All life is really suggestion.You are constantly accepting or rejecting each experience that comes to you.If you accept it,your mind is acting upon it,for good or ill,dependent on the nature and character of the experience.

What you do and what you say,how you express your personality in the presence of others,is having a suggestive effect upon them,and they,in turn,are having a suggestive effect upon you.The more positive personality always dominates the less positive or emerges as the leader of a group.Negative people are attracted to positive people because they instinctively are seeking others stronger than themselves; they feel more secure in their presence; and if they are sincerely desirous of developing more positive qualities in themselves,they know this can best be done by emulating those who possess positive power.

Now,don't run out and accentuate the positive,just for the sake of being positive! I don't mean for you to start throwing your positive power around.But the well balanced person,mentally and emotionally,has all the outward evidences of this balance in poise,self-assurance,charm and ease of expression and friendly interest in others.The manifestation of positive power is quiet.It is like the soft but powerful meshings of a hydromatic gear.You are scarcely aware it is operating,but the power is there ...and this power can be shifted from low to high,instantly,in an effortless manner.The man or woman who tries to dominate by force is misusing the power and revealing certain personality defects.Such people are really covering feelings of inadequacy and inferiority,and are trying by a surface show of power to compel attention.They may succeed for a time,but they can't hold success.

See yourself as you want to be!

Look in the mirror.Size yourself up.Are you the man or woman you want to be? If not,give yourself the suggestions that can help make you what you desire .See a mental picture of how you would like to appear to others,how you would like to express your personality Superimpose this mental picture upon the actual image of yourself,before you! See the changes you must bring about in yourself,as though they had already occurred! Repeat this visualization day after day,night after night.Work at it! Remember the power of repetition,reiteration …tap,tap,tap!