
That part which, he expects, is to afford him this revenue, is called his capital.The other is that which supplies his immediate consumption; and which consists either, first, in that portion of his whole stock which was originally reserved for this purpose; or, secondly, in his revenue, from whatever source derived, as it gradually comes in; or, thirdly, in such things as had been purchased by either of these in former years, and which are not yet entirely consumed; such as a stock of clothes, household furniture, and the like.In one, or other, or all of these three articles, consists the stock which men commonly reserve for their own immediate consumption.

There are two different ways in which a capital may be employed so as to yield a revenue or profit to its employer.

First, it may be employed in raising, manufacturing, or purchasing goods, and selling them again with a profit.The capital employed in this manner yields no revenue or profit to its employer, while it either remains in his possession, or continues in the same shape.The goods of the merchant yield him no revenue or profit till he sells them for money, and the money yields him as little till it is again exchanged for goods.His capital is continually going from him in one shape, and returning to him in another, and it is only by means of such circulation, or successive exchanges, that it can yield him any profit.Such capitals, therefore, may very properly be called circulating capitals.

Secondly, it may be employed in the improvement of land, in the purchase of useful machines and instruments of trade, or in suchlike things as yield a revenue or profit without changing masters, or circulating any further.Such capitals, therefore, may very properly be called fixed capitals.

Different occupations require very different proportions between the fixed and circulating capitals employed in them.

The capital of a merchant, for example, is altogether a circulating capital.He has occasion for no machines or instruments of trade, unless his shop, or warehouse, be considered as such.

Some part of the capital of every master artificer or manufacturer must be fixed in the instruments of his trade.This part, however, is very small in some, and very great in others.Amaster tailor requires no other instruments of trade but a parcel of needles.Those of the master shoemaker are a little, though but a very little, more expensive.Those of the weaver rise a good deal above those of the shoemaker.The far greater part of the capital of all such master artificers, however, is circulated, either in the wages of their workmen, or in the price of their materials, and repaid with a profit by the price of the work.

In other works a much greater fixed capital is required.In a great iron-work, for example, the furnace for melting the ore, the forge, the slitt-mill, are instruments of trade which cannot be erected without a very great expense.In coal-works and mines of every kind, the machinery necessary both for drawing out the water and for other purposes is frequently still more expensive.

That part of the capital of the farmer which is employed in the instruments of agriculture is a fixed, that which is employed in the wages and maintenance of his labouring servants, is a circulating capital.He makes a profit of the one by keeping it in his own possession, and of the other by parting with it.The price or value of his labouring cattle is a fixed capital in the same manner as that of the instruments of husbandry.Their maintenance is a circulating capital in the same manner as that of the labouring servants.The farmer makes his profit by keeping the labouring cattle, and by parting with their maintenance.Both the price and the maintenance of the cattle which are brought in and fattened, not for labour, but for sale, are a circulating capital.The farmer makes his profit by parting with them.Aflock of sheep or a herd of cattle that, in a breeding country, is bought in, neither for labour, nor for sale, but in order to make a profit by their wool, by their milk, and by their increase, is a fixed capital.The profit is made by keeping them.

Their maintenance is a circulating capital.The profit is made by parting with it; and it comes back with both its own profit and the profit upon the whole price of the cattle, in the price of the wool, the milk, and the increase.The whole value of the seed, too, is properly a fixed capital.Though it goes backwards and forwards between the ground and the granary, it never changes masters, and therefore does not properly circulate.The farmer makes his profit, not by its sale, but by its increase.

The general stock of any country or society is the same with that of all its inhabitants or members, and therefore naturally divides itself into the same three portions, each of which has a distinct function or office.