书城公版Wild Wales

第258章 CHAPTER CIX(3)

Aber, a meeting of waters, an Ap, apah, water; apaga, outflowing; Avon, a river; a river; Persian, ab, Aw, a flowing water; Wallachian, apa Anal, breathAnila, air Arian, silver Ara, brass; Gypsy, harko, Aur, gold copper (30)Athu, to go At'ha; Russian, iti Bod, being, existence Bhavat, bhuta Brenin, a king Bharanda, a lord; Russian barin Caer, a wall, a cityGriha, geha, a house; Hindu-stani, ghar; Gypsy, kair, kaer Cain, fine, bright Kanta, pleasing, beautiful;Kana, to shine Canu, to sing Gana, singing Cathyl, a hymn Kheli a song; Gypsy, gillie Coed, a wood, trees Kut'ha, kuti, a tree Cumro, a Welshman Kumara, a youth, a prince Daear, daeren, the earthDhara, fem. dharani Dant, a tooth Danta Dawn, a giftDana Derw, an oakDaru, timber Dewr, bold, brave Dhira Drwg, bad Durgati, hell; Durga, the goddess of destruction Duw, GodDeva, a god Dwfr, dwfyr, water Tivara, the ocean (Tiber, Tevere)Dwr, water Uda; Greek, [Text which cannot be reproduced]

Sanscrit, dhlira, the ocean; Persian, deria, dooria, the sea; Gypsy, dooria En, a being, a soul, that An, to breathe, to live;which lives ana, breath; Irish, an, a man, fire Gair, a wordGir, gira, speech Gwr, a man Vira, a hero, strong, fire;Gwres, heat Lat. vir, a man; Dutch, vuur, fire; Turkish, er, a man;Heb., ur, fire Geneth, girlKani Geni, to be bornJana Gwybod, to know Vid Hocedu, to cheatKuhaka, deceit Huan, the sun Ina Ieuanc,youngYouvan Ir, fresh, juicyIra, water Irdra, juiciness Llances, a girl Lagnika Lleidyr, a thiefLata Maen, a stone Mani, a gem Mam, mother Ma Marw, to dieMara, death Mawr, great Maha Medd, mead Mad'hu, honey Meddwi, to intoxicate Mad, to intoxicate; Mada, intoxication; Mada, pleasure;Madya, wine; Matta, intoxicated; Gypsy, matto, drunk; Gr. [Text which cannot be reproduced], wine, [Text which cannot be reproduced], to be drunk Medr, a measure Matra Nad, a cry Nad, to speak; Nada, sound Nant, ravine, rivulet Nadi, a river Neath, Nedd, name of a river; Nicha, low, deep; nichaga, nedd, a dingle, what is low,a river, that which descends;deep (Nith, Nithsdale) nitha, water Nef, heaven Nabhas; Russian, nabeca, the heavens; Lat., nubes, a cloud Neidiaw, to leap; Nata, to dance; Nata, dancing Ner, the Almighty, the Lord,Nara, that which animates the Creator every thing, the spirit of God (31)Nerth, strength, power Nara, man, the spirit of God;Gr. [text which cannot be reproduced], a man, [text which cannot be reproduced]

strength; Persian, nar, a male; Arabic, nar, fire Noddwr, a protector Natha Nos, night Nisa Pair, a cauldronPit'hara Ped, a foot; pedair, four Pad, a foot; pada, a quarter Pridd, earthPrithivi, the earth Prif, principal, prime Prabhu, a lord, a ruler Rhen, the Lord Rajan, a king Rhian, a lady Hindustani, rani Rhod, a wheel Ratha, a car Swm, being together Sam Swynwr, a wizard, sorcerer Sanvanana, a witch;Hindustani, syani Tad, father Tata Tan, fire Dahana Tant, a string Tantu Tanu, to expand Tana Toriad, a breaking, cutting Dari, cutting Uchafedd, heightUchch'ya Ych, ox Ukshan The Nara is called by the Tartars soukdoun, and by the Chinese ki:

"Principe qui est dans le ciel, sur la terre, dans l'homme, et dans toutes les choses materielles et immaterielles." - DICTIOINNAIRETARTARE MANTCHOU, par Amyot. Tome second, p, 124.

In the above list of Cumric and Sanscrit words there are certainly some remarkable instances of correspondence in sound and sense, the most interesting of which is that afforded by Ner, the Cumric word for the Lord, and Nara, the Sanscrit word for the Spirit of God.