'He was not so very agreeable the only time he did come.But I am that sort of a character that I cannot put up with any neglect of persons Ilove, just because they are not smiled upon by fortune.' She sighed a little ostentatiously as she ended her sentence.'Well, then, you won't go!' said Mr Gibson provoked, but not wishing to have a long discussion, especially as he felt his temper going.'Do you wish it, Cynthia?' said Mrs Gibson, anxious for an excuse to yield.But her daughter was quite aware of this motive for the question, and replied quietly, - 'Not particularly, mamma.I am quite willing to refuse the invitation.' 'It is already accepted,' said Mr Gibson, almost ready to vow that he would never again meddle in any affair in which women were concerned, which would effectually shut him out from all love affairs for the future.He had been touched by the squire's relenting, pleased with what he had thought would give others pleasure, and this was the end of it! 'Oh, do go, Cynthia!' said Molly, pleading with her eyes as' well as her words.'Do; I am sure you will like the squire; and it is such a pretty place, and he'll be so much disappointed.' 'I should not like to give up my dignity,' said Cynthia, demurely.'And you heard what mamma said!' It was very malicious of her.She fully intended to go, and was equally sure that her mother was already planning her dress for the occasion in her own mind.Mr Gibson, however, who, surgeon though he was, had never learnt to anatomize a woman's heart, took it all literally, and was excessively angry both with Cynthia and her mother; so angry that he did not dare to trust himself to speak.He went quickly to the door, intending to leave the room; but his wife's voice arrested him; she said, - 'My dear, do you wish me to go? if you do, I will put my own feelings on one side.' 'Of course I do!' he said, short and stern, and left the room.'Then I'll go!' said she, in the voice of a victim - those words were meant for him, but he hardly heard them.'And we'll have a fly from the "George,"and get a livery-coat for Thomas, which I've long been wanting, only dear Mr Gibson did not like it, but on an occasion like this I'm sure he won't mind; and Thomas shall go on the box, and -- ' 'But, mamma, I've my feelings too,' said Cynthia.'Nonsense, child! when all is so nicely arranged too.' So they went on the day appointed.Mr Gibson was aware of the change of plans, and that they were going after all; but he was so much annoyed by the manner in which his wife had received an invitation which had appeared to him so much kinder than he had expected from his previous knowledge of the squire, and his wishes on the subject of his sons' marriages, that Mrs Gibson heard neither interest nor curiosity expressed by her husband as to the visit itself, or the reception they met with.Cynthia's indifference as to whether the invitation was accepted or not had displeased Mr Gibson.

He was not up to her ways with her mother, and did not understand how much of this said indifference had been assumed in order to countervent Mrs Gibson's affectation and false sentiment, But for all his annoyance on the subject, he was, in fact, very curious to know how the visit had gone off, and took the first opportunity of being alone with Molly to question her about the lunch of the day before at Hamley Hall.'And so you went to Hamley yesterday after all?' 'Yes; I thought you would have come.The squire seemed quite to expect you.' 'I thought of going there at first; but I changed my mind like other people.

I don't see why women are to have a monopoly of changeableness.Well! how did it go off? Pleasantly, I suppose, for both your mother and Cynthia were in high spirits last night.' 'Yes.The dear old squire was in his best dress and on his best behaviour, and was so prettily attentive to Cynthia, and she looked so lovely, walking about with him, and listening to all his talk about the garden and farm.