书城公版Tales of Troy


"Come with me, Floyd," she said simply."I want you now.""What the--" he began explosively, and quit as suddenly, discreet enough to not round it off.Where the deuce had his wits gone, anyway? Was ever a man more foolishly placed? He gurgled deep down in his throat and high up in the roof of his mouth, heaved as one his big shoulders and his indecision, and glared appealingly at the two women.

"I beg pardon, just a moment, but may I speak first with Mr.

Vanderlip?" Mrs.Eppingwell's voice, though flute-like and low, predicated will in its every cadence.

The man looked his gratitude.He, at least, was willing enough.

"I'm very sorry," from Freda."There isn't time.He must come at once." The conventional phrases dropped easily from her lips, but she could not forbear to smile inwardly at their inadequacy and weakness.She would much rather have shrieked.

"But, Miss Moloof, who are you that you may possess yourself of Mr.Vanderlip and command his actions?"Whereupon relief brightened his face, and the man beamed his approval.Trust Mrs.Eppingwell to drag him clear.Freda had met her match this time.

"I--I--" Freda hesitated, and then her feminine mind putting on its harness--"and who are you to ask this question?""I? I am Mrs.Eppingwell, and--""There!" the other broke in sharply."You are the wife of a captain, who is therefore your husband.I am only a dancing girl.

What do you with this man?"

"Such unprecedented behavior!" Mrs.McFee ruffled herself and cleared for action, but Mrs.Eppingwell shut her mouth with a look and developed a new attack.

"Since Miss Moloof appears to hold claims upon you, Mr.Vanderlip, and is in too great haste to grant me a few seconds of your time, I am forced to appeal directly to you.May I speak with you, alone, and now?"Mrs.McFee's jaws brought together with a snap.That settled the disgraceful situation.

"Why, er--that is, certainly," the man stammered."Of course, of course," growing more effusive at the prospect of deliverance.

Men are only gregarious vertebrates, domesticated and evolved, and the chances are large that it was because the Greek girl had in her time dealt with wilder masculine beasts of the human sort; for she turned upon the man with hell's tides aflood in her blazing eyes, much as a bespangled lady upon a lion which has suddenly imbibed the pernicious theory that he is a free agent.The beast in him fawned to the lash.

"That is to say, ah, afterward.To-morrow, Mrs.Eppingwell; yes, to-morrow.That is what I meant." He solaced himself with the fact, should he remain, that more embarrassment awaited.Also, he had an engagement which he must keep shortly, down by the water-hole off the hospital.Ye gods! he had never given Freda credit!

Wasn't she magnificent!

"I'll thank you for my mask, Mrs.McFee."

That lady, for the nonce speechless, turned over the article in question.

"Good-night, Miss Moloof." Mrs.Eppingwell was royal even in defeat.

Freda reciprocated, though barely downing the impulse to clasp the other's knees and beg forgiveness,--no, not forgiveness, but something, she knew not what, but which she none the less greatly desired.

The man was for her taking his arm; but she had made her kill in the midst of the pack, and that which led kings to drag their vanquished at the chariot-tail, led her toward the door alone, Floyd Vanderlip close at heel and striving to re-establish his mental equilibrium.

It was bitter cold.As the trail wound, a quarter of a mile brought them to the dancer's cabin, by which time her moist breath had coated her face frostily, while his had massed his heavy mustache till conversation was painful.By the greenish light of the aurora borealis, the quicksilver showed itself frozen hard in the bulb of the thermometer which hung outside the door.Athousand dogs, in pitiful chorus, wailed their ancient wrongs and claimed mercy from the unheeding stars.Not a breath of air was moving.For them there was no shelter from the cold, no shrewd crawling to leeward in snug nooks.The frost was everywhere, and they lay in the open, ever and anon stretching their trail-stiffened muscles and lifting the long wolf-howl.

They did not talk at first, the man and the woman.While the maid helped Freda off with her wraps, Floyd Vanderlip replenished the fire; and by the time the maid had withdrawn to an inner room, his head over the stove, he was busily thawing out his burdened upper lip.After that he rolled a cigarette and watched her lazily through the fragrant eddies.She stole a glance at the clock.It lacked half an hour of midnight.How was she to hold him? Was he angry for that which she had done? What was his mood? What mood of hers could meet his best? Not that she doubted herself.No, no.Hold him she could, if need be at pistol point, till Sitka Charley's work was done, and Devereaux's too.