书城公版The Princess and Curdie


They replied that a fright was no less a fright that the cause was imaginary, and a dream no less a dream that the fright had waked him from it.

When he discovered, and triumphantly adduced as corroboration, that the key was gone from the door, they said it merely showed how drunk he had been - either that or how frightened, for he had certainly dropped it.In vain he protested that he had never taken it out of the lock - that he never did when he went in, and certainly had not this time stopped to do so when he came out; they asked him why he had to go to the cellar at such a time of the day, and said it was because he had already drunk all the wine that was left from dinner.He said if he had dropped the key, the key was to be found, and they must help him to find it.They told him they wouldn't move a peg for him.He declared, with much language, he would have them all turned out of the king's service.They said they would swear he was drunk.

And so positive were they about it, that at last the butler himself began to think whether it was possible they could be in the right.

For he knew that sometimes when he had been drunk he fancied things had taken place which he found afterward could not have happened.

Certain of his fellow servants, however, had all the time a doubt whether the cellar goblin had not appeared to him, or at least roared at him, to protect the wine.in any case nobody wanted to find the key for him; nothing could please them better than that the door of the wine cellar should never more be locked.By degrees the hubbub died away, and they departed, not even pulling to the door, for there was neither handle nor latch to it.

As soon as they were gone, Curdie returned, knowing now that they were in the wine cellar of the palace, as indeed, he had suspected.

Finding a pool of wine in a hollow of the floor, Lina lapped it up eagerly: she had had no breakfast, and was now very thirsty as well as hungry.Her master was in a similar plight, for he had but just begun to eat when the magistrate arrived with the soldiers.If only they were all in bed, he thought, that he might find his way to the larder! For he said to himself that, as he was sent there by the young princess's great-great-grandmother to serve her or her father in some way, surely he must have a right to his food in the Palace, without which he could do nothing.He would go at once and reconnoitre.

So he crept up the stair that led from the cellar.At the top was a door, opening on a long passage dimly lighted by a lamp.He told Lina to lie down upon the stair while he went on.At the end of the passage he found a door ajar, and, peering through, saw right into a great stone hall, where a huge fire was blazing, and through which men in the king's livery were constantly coming and going.

Some also in the same livery were lounging about the fire.He noted that their colours were the same as those he himself, as king's miner, wore; but from what he had seen and heard of the habits of the place, he could not hope they would treat him the better for that.

The one interesting thing at the moment, however, was the plentiful supper with which the table was spread.It was something at least to stand in sight of food, and he was unwilling to turn his back on the prospect so long as a share in it was not absolutely hopeless.

Peeping thus, he soon made UP his mind that if at any moment the hall should be empty, he would at that moment rush in and attempt to carry off a dish.That he might lose no time by indecision, he selected a large pie upon which to pounce instantaneously.But after he had watched for some minutes, it did not seem at all likely the chance would arrive before suppertime, and he was just about to turn away and rejoin Lina, when he saw that there was not a person in the place.Curdie never made up his mind and then hesitated.He darted in, seized the pie, and bore it swiftly and noiselessly to the cellar stair.