书城公版La Constantin

第10章 III(3)

Has he been base enough to boast that I ever gave him my love?""No,he never said anything about you;but someway I was afraid."She renewed her assurances.The conversation continued some time in a sentimental tone.A thousand oaths,a thousand protestations of love were,exchanged.Jeannin feared that the suddenness of their journey would inconvenience his mistress,and offered to put it off for some days;but to this she would not consent,and it was arranged that the next day at noon a carriage should call at the house and take Angelique out of town to-an appointed place at which the treasurer was to join her.

Maitre Quennebert,eye and ear on the alert,had not lost a word of this conversation,and the last proposition of the treasurer changed his ideas.

"Pardieu!"he said to himself,"it looks as if this good man were really going to let himself be taken in and done for.It is singular how very clear-sighted we can be about things that don't touch us.

This poor fly is going to let himself be caught by a very clever spider,or I'm much mistaken.Very likely my widow is quite of my opinion,and yet in what concerns herself she will remain stone-blind.Well,such is life!We have only two parts to choose between:we must be either knave or fool.What's Madame Rapally doing,I wonder?"At this moment he heard a stifled whisper from the opposite corner of the room,but,protected by the distance and the darkness,he let the widow murmur on,and applied his eye once more to his peephole.What he saw confirmed his opinion.The damsel was springing up and down,laughing,gesticulating,and congratulating herself on her unexpected good fortune.

"Just imagine!He loves me like that!"she was saying to herself.

"Poor Jeannin!When I remember how I used to hesitate.How fortunate that Commander de Jars,one of the most vain and indiscreet of men,never babbled about me!Yes,we must leave town to-morrow without fail.I must not give him time to be enlightened by a chance word.But the Duc de Vitry?I am really sorry for him.However,why did he go away,and send no word?And then,he's a married man.

Ah!if I could only get back again to court some day!...Who would ever have expected such a thing?Good God!I must keep talking to myself,to be sure I'm not dreaming.Yes,he was there,just now,at my feet,saying to me,'Angelique,you are going to become my wife.'

One thing is sure,he may safely entrust his honour to my care.It would be infamous to betray a man who loves me as he does,who will give me his name.Never,no,never will I give him cause to reproach me!I would rather ----A loud and confused noise on the stairs interrupted this soliloquy.

At one moment bursts of laughter were heard,and the next angry voices.Then a loud exclamation,followed by a short silence.Being alarmed at this disturbance in a house which was usually so quiet,Mademoiselle de Guerchi approached the door of her room,intending either to call for protection or to lock herself in,when suddenly it was violently pushed open.She recoiled with fright,exclaiming--"Commander de Jars!"

"On my word!"said Quennebert behind the arras,"'tis as amusing as a play!Is the commander also going to offer to make an honest woman of her?But what do I see?"He had just caught sight of the young man on whom de Jars had bestowed the title and name of Chevalier de Moranges,and whose acquaintance the reader has already made at the tavern in the rue Saint-Andre-des-Arts.His appearance had as great an effect on the notary as a thunderbolt.He stood motionless,trembling,breathless;his knees ready to give way beneath him;everything black before his eyes.However,he soon pulled himself together,and succeeded in overcoming the effects of his surprise and terror.He looked once more through the hole in the partition,and became so absorbed that no one in the whole world could have got a word from him just then;the devil himself might have shrieked into his ears unheeded,and a naked sword suspended over his head would not have induced him to change his place.