

Again rose a shout of delight;they flung themselves upon me,so as nearly to smother me;they kissed my face and hands;they laid hold of my legs;they clambered about my arms and shoulders,embracing my head and neck.I came to the ground at last,overwhelmed with the lovely little goblins.

"Good,good giant!"they cried."We knew you would come!Oh you dear,good,strong giant!"The babble of their talk sprang up afresh,and ever the jubilant shout would rise anew from hundreds of clear little throats.

Again came a sudden silence.Those around me drew back;those atop of me got off and began trying to set me on my feet.Upon their sweet faces,concern had taken the place of merriment.

"Get up,good giant!"said a little girl."Make haste!much haste!

He saw you throw his apple away!"

Before she ended,I was on my feet.She stood pointing up the slope.On the brow of it was a clownish,bad-looking fellow,a few inches taller than myself.He looked hostile,but I saw no reason to fear him,for he had no weapon,and my little friends had vanished every one.

He began to descend,and I,in the hope of better footing and position,to go up.He growled like a beast as he turned toward me.

Reaching a more level spot,I stood and waited for him.As he came near,he held out his hand.I would have taken it in friendly fashion,but he drew it back,threatened a blow,and held it out again.Then I understood him to claim the apple I had flung away,whereupon I made a grimace of dislike and a gesture of rejection.

He answered with a howl of rage that seemed to say,"Do you dare tell me my apple was not fit to eat?""One bad apple may grow on the best tree,"I said.

Whether he perceived my meaning I cannot tell,but he made a stride nearer,and I stood on my guard.He delayed his assault,however,until a second giant,much like him,who had been stealing up behind me,was close enough,when he rushed upon me.I met him with a good blow in the face,but the other struck me on the back of the head,and between them I was soon overpowered.

They dragged me into the wood above the valley,where their tribe lived--in wretched huts,built of fallen branches and a few stones.

Into one of these they pushed me,there threw me on the ground,and kicked me.A woman was present,who looked on with indifference.

I may here mention that during my captivity I hardly learned to distinguish the women from the men,they differed so little.Often I wondered whether I had not come upon a sort of fungoid people,with just enough mind to give them motion and the expressions of anger and greed.Their food,which consisted of tubers,bulbs,and fruits,was to me inexpressibly disagreeable,but nothing offended them so much as to show dislike to it.I was cuffed by the women and kicked by the men because I would not swallow it.

I lay on the floor that night hardly able to move,but I slept a good deal,and woke a little refreshed.In the morning they dragged me to the valley,and tying my feet,with a long rope,to a tree,put a flat stone with a saw-like edge in my left hand.I shifted it to the right;they kicked me,and put it again in the left;gave me to understand that I was to scrape the bark off every branch that had no fruit on it;kicked me once more,and left me.

I set about the dreary work in the hope that by satisfying them Ishould be left very much to myself--to make my observations and choose my time for escape.Happily one of the dwarf-trees grew close by me,and every other minute I plucked and ate a small fruit,which wonderfully refreshed and strengthened me.