Unhappily a few weeks after his marriage,and before any household was yet set up,he fell dangerously ill;worse in health than he had ever yet been:so many agitations crowded into the last few months had been too much for him.He fell into dangerous pulmonary illness,sank ever deeper;lay for many weeks in his Father's house utterly prostrate,his young Wife and his Mother watching over him;friends,sparingly admitted,long despairing of his life.All prospects in this world were now apparently shut upon him.
After a while,came hope again,and kindlier symptoms:but the doctors intimated that there lay consumption in the question,and that perfect recovery was not to be looked for.For weeks he had been confined to bed;it was several months before he could leave his sick-room,where the visits of a few friends had much cheered him.
And now when delivered,readmitted to the air of day again,--weak as he was,and with such a liability still lurking in him,--what his young partner and he were to do,or whitherward to turn for a good course of life,was by no means too apparent.
One of his Mother Mrs.Edward Sterling's Uncles,a Coningham from Derry,had,in the course of his industrious and adventurous life,realized large property in the West Indies,--a valuable Sugar-estate,with its equipments,in the Island of St.Vincent;--from which Mrs.
Sterling and her family were now,and had been for some years before her Uncle's decease,deriving important benefits.I have heard,it was then worth some ten thousand pounds a year to the parties interested.Anthony Sterling,John,and another a cousin of theirs were ultimately to be heirs,in equal proportions.The old gentleman,always kind to his kindred,and a brave and solid man though somewhat abrupt in his ways,had lately died;leaving a settlement to this effect,not without some intricacies,and almost caprices,in the conditions attached.
This property,which is still a valuable one,was Sterling's chief pecuniary outlook for the distant future.Of course it well deserved taking care of;and if the eye of the master were upon it,of course too (according to the adage)the cattle would fatten better.As the warm climate was favorable to pulmonary complaints,and Sterling's occupations were so shattered to pieces and his outlooks here so waste and vague,why should not he undertake this duty for himself and others?
It was fixed upon as the eligiblest course.A visit to St.Vincent,perhaps a permanent residence there:he went into the project with his customary impetuosity;his young Wife cheerfully consenting,and all manner of new hopes clustering round it.There are the rich tropical sceneries,the romance of the torrid zone with its new skies and seas and lands;there are Blacks,and the Slavery question to be investigated:there are the bronzed Whites and Yellows,and their strange new way of life:by all means let us go and try!--Arrangements being completed,so soon as his strength had sufficiently recovered,and the harsh spring winds had sufficiently abated,Sterling with his small household set sail for St.Vincent;and arrived without accident.His first child,a son Edward,now living and grown to manhood,was born there,"at Brighton in the Island of St.Vincent,"in the fall of that year 1831.