书城公版The Antiquities of the Jews


While Marcus Piso the lieutenant lived in our city, who was also appointed over the choice of the soldiers, he called us, and many other of the citizens, and gave order, that if there be here any Jews who are Roman citizens, no one is to give them any disturbance about going into the army, because Cornelius Lentulus, the consul, freed the Jews from going into the army, on account of the superstition they are under; - you are therefore obliged to submit to the praetor." And the like decree was made by the Sardians about us also.

15."Caius Phanius, the son of Caius, imperator and consul, to the magistrates of Cos, sendeth greeting.I would have you know that the ambassadors of the Jews have been with me, and desired they might have those decrees which the senate had made about them; which decrees are here subjoined.My will is, that you have a regard to and take care of these men, according to the senate's decree, that they may be safely conveyed home through your country."16.The declaration of Lucius Lentulus the consul: "I have dismissed those Jews who are Roman citizens, and who appear to me to have their religious rites, and to observe the laws of the Jews at Ephesus, on account of the superstition they are under.