书城公版Letters to His Son


BATH,February 18,O.S.1748.

DEAR BOY:The first use that I made of my liberty was to come here,where I arrived yesterday.My health,though not fundamentally bad yet,for want of proper attention of late,wanted some repairs,which these waters never fail giving it.I shall drink them a month,and return to London,there to enjoy the comforts of social life,instead of groaning under the load of business.I have given the description of the life that Ipropose to lead for the future,in this motto,which I have put up in the frize of my library in my new house:--Nunc veterum libris,nunc somno,et inertibus horis Ducere sollicitae jucunda oblivia vitas.

I must observe to you upon this occasion,that the uninterrupted satisfaction which I expect to find in that library,will be chiefly owing to my having employed some part of my life well at your age.Iwish I had employed it better,and my satisfaction would now be complete;but,however,I planted while young,that degree of knowledge which is now my refuge and my shelter.Make your plantations still more extensive;they will more than pay you for your trouble.I do not regret the time that I passed in pleasures;they were seasonable;they were the pleasures of youth,and I enjoyed them while young.If I had not,I should probably have overvalued them now,as we are very apt to do what we do not know;but,knowing them as I do,I know their real value,and how much they are generally overrated.Nor do I regret the time that I have passed in business,for the same reason;those who see only the outside of it,imagine it has hidden charms,which they pant after;and nothing but acquaintance can undeceive them.I,who have been behind the scenes,both of pleasure and business,and have seen all the springs and pullies of those decorations which astonish and dazzle the audience,retire,not only without regret,but with contentment and satisfaction.

But what I do,and ever shall regret,is the time which,while young,I lost in mere idleness,and in doing nothing.This is the common effect of the inconsideracy of youth,against which I beg you will be most carefully upon your guard.The value of moments,when cast up,is immense,if well employed;if thrown away,their loss is irrecoverable.