书城公版Letters to His Son


BATH,November 27,1762.

MY DEAR FRIEND :I received your letter this morning,and return you the ball 'a la volee'.The King's speech is a very prudent one;and as Isuppose that the addresses in answer to it were,as usual,in almost the same words,my Lord Mayor might very well call them innocent.As his Majesty expatiates so much upon the great ACHIEVEMENTS of the war,Icannot help hoping that,when the preliminaries shall be laid before Parliament IN DUE TIME,which,I suppose,means after the respective ratifications of all the contracting parties,that some untalked of and unexpected advantage will break out in our treaty with France;St.Lucia,at least.I see in the newspapers an article which I by no means like,in our treaty with Spain;which is,that we shall be at liberty to cut logwood in the Bay of Campeachy,BUT BY PAYING FOR IT.Who does not see that this condition may,and probably will,amount to a prohibition,by the price which the Spaniards may set it at?It was our undoubted right,and confirmed to us by former treaties,before the war,to cut logwood gratis;but this new stipulation (if true)gives us a privilege something like a reprieve to a criminal,with a 'non obstante'to be hanged.

I now drink so little water,that it can neither do me good nor hurt;but as I bathe but twice a-week,that operation,which does my rheumatic carcass good,will keep me here some time longer than you had allowed.

Harte is going to publish a new edition of his "Gustavus,"in octavo;which,he tells me,he has altered,and which,I could tell him,he should translate into English,or it will not sell better than the former;for,while the world endures,style and manner will be regarded,at least as much as matter.And so,'Diem vous aye dans sa sainte garde'!