书城公版Orlando Furioso

第427章 LIV

He dames, maids, ancient men, and others, who Had from Granada with the damsel fared, Kindly dismissed, their journey to pursue;

Saying, "My care suffices; I of guard, Of guide, of handmaid will the office do, To serve her in her every need prepared.

Farewell!" and thus unable to withstand The wrong, with tears and sighs withdrew the band, LV

Saying, "How woe-begone will be her sire, When he the miserable case shall hear!

What grief will be the bridegroom's! what his ire!

How dread the vengeance of that cavalier!

When so the lady's needs such help require.

Alas! and why is not the champion near, To save the illustrious blood of Stordilane, Ere the thief bears her farther hence, from stain?"