

Now to the court, where we will court it out, And pass the night and day in Venus' sports.

Frolic, brave peers; be joyful with your king.


ACT V. SCENE II. The camp of Gwendoline.

[Enter Gwendoline, Thrasimachus, Madan, and the soldiers.]


You gentle winds, that with your modest blasts Pass through the circuit of the heavenly vault, Enter the clouds unto the throne of Jove, And there bear my prayers to his all hearing ears.

For Locrine hath forsaken Gwendoline, And learnt to love proud Humber's concubine.

You happy sprites, that in the concave sky With pleasant joy enjoy your sweetest love, Shed forth those tears with me, which then you shed, When first you would your ladies to your wills.

Those tears are fittest for my woeful case, Since Locrine shuns my nothing pleasant face.

Blush heavens, blush sun, and hide thy shining beams;Shadow thy radiant locks in gloomy clouds;

Deny thy cheerful light unto the world, Where nothing reigns but falsehood and deceit.

What said I? falsehood? Aye, that filthy crime, For Locrine hath forsaken Gwendoline.

Behold the heavens do wail for Gwendoline.

The shining sun doth blush for Gwendoline.