书城公版The Master of Mrs. Chilvers


GEOFFREY [He holds her at arms' length--looking into her eyes and smiling.] I believe you are looking forward to it.

ANNYS Do you know how long we have been married? Eight years.

And do you know, sir, that all that time we have never had a difference? Don't you think it will be good for you?

GEOFFREY Do you know WHY we have never had a difference? Because you have always had your own way.


GEOFFREY You have got so used to it, you don't notice it.

ANNYS Then it will be good for me. I must learn to suffer opposition. [She laughs.]

GEOFFREY You won't like it.

ANNYS Do you know, I'm not at all sure that I shan't.

[Unconsciously they let loose of one another.] You see, I shall have the right of hitting back. [Again she laughs.]

GEOFFREY [Also laughingly.] Is woman going to develop the fighting instinct?

ANNYS I wonder.

[A moment's silence.]

GEOFFREY The difficulty in our case is there seems nothing to fight about.

ANNYS We must think of something. [Laughs.]

GEOFFREY What line are you going to take--what is your argument: why they should vote for you in preference to me?

ANNYS Simply that I am a woman.

GEOFFREY My dear child, that won't be enough. Why should they vote for you merely because you're a woman?

ANNYS [Slightly astonished.] Because--because women are wanted in public life.

GEOFFREY Who wants them?

ANNYS [More astonished.] Who? Why--[it doesn't seem too clear.]

Why, all of us--you, yourself!

GEOFFREY I'm not East Poplar.

ANNYS [Is puzzled a moment, then valiantly.] I shall ask them to send me to Parliament to represent the interests of their women--and therefore of themselves--the interests of their children.

GEOFFREY Children! What do you know about children?

[Another silence.]

ANNYS Personally--no. We have had no children of our own, of course. But [hopefully] it is a woman's instinct.

GEOFFREY Oh, Lord! That's what the lady said who had buried seven.

ANNYS [Her mouth is growing hard.] Don't you believe in the right of women to share in the government of the country?

GEOFFREY Some women. Yes. I can see some capable -ANNYS [Winces.]

GEOFFREY --elderly, motherly woman who has brought up a dozen children of her own--who knows the world, being of some real use.

ANNYS If it comes to that, there must be--I don't say more "capable," but more experienced, more fatherly men than yourself.

[He turns, they look at one another. His tone almost touched contempt--hers was veiled anger.]

GEOFFREY THAT'S the danger. It may come to a real fight.

ANNYS [Upon her also the fear has fallen.] It must not. [She flings her arms around him.] We must show the world that man and woman can meet--contend in public life without anger, without scorn.

GEOFFREY [He folds her to him.] The very words sound ugly, don't they?

ANNYS It would be hideous. [She draws away.] How long will the election last?

GEOFFREY Not long. The writ will be issued on Wednesday.

Nomination on Monday--polling, I expect, on Saturday. Puts me in mind--I must prepare my election address.

ANNYS I ought to be getting on with mine, too, I suppose.

GEOFFREY It ought to be out by to-morrow.

ANNYS [With inspiration.] We'll do yours first. [She wonders why he hesitates.]

GEOFFREY "We?" Shan't I have to do it alone--this time?

ANNYS Alone! Nonsense! How can you?

GEOFFREY I'm afraid I shall have to try.

ANNYS Um! I suppose you're right. What a nuisance! [She turns away.] I shan't like it.

GEOFFREY [He moves towards the folding-doors.] No. It won't be quite the same thing. Goodbye.

ANNYS [She crosses to her desk by the window. Not the same instant but the next his "Goodbye" strikes her. She turns.]

You're not going out, are you?

GEOFFREY [He stops and turns--puzzled at her question.] No. Only into my study.

ANNYS You said "Goodbye."

GEOFFREY [Not remembering.] _I_ did! Must have been thinking of something else. I shall be in here if you want me. [He goes into the other room.]

ANNYS [She has crossed to her desk. She is humming. She seats herself, takes paper and pen, writes. Without turning--still writing--she raises her voice.] Geoffrey! How do you spell "experimental"? One "r" or two?

[There is no answer. Puzzled at the silence, she looks round. The great folding-doors are closed. She stares in front of her, thinking, then turns again to her work.]