`Heaven knows your meaning!' she exclaimed. `I know not, neither care; there are no bounds to my desire to please you. Call him made.'

`I will put it in another way,' returned Otto. `Did you ever steal?'

`Often!' cried the Countess. `I have broken all the ten commandments; and if there were more to-morrow, I should not sleep till I had broken these.'

`This is a case of burglary: to say the truth, I thought it would amuse you,' said the Prince.

`I have no practical experience,' she replied, `but O! the good-will! I have broken a work-box in my time, and several hearts, my own included.

Never a house! But it cannot be difficult; sins are so unromantically easy!

What are we to break?'

`Madam, we are to break the treasury,' said Otto and he sketched to her briefly, wittily, with here and there a touch of pathos, the story of his visit to the farm, of his promise to buy it, and of the refusal with which his demand for money had been met that morning at the council; concluding with a few practical words as to the treasury windows, and the helps and hindrances of the proposed exploit.

`They refused you the money,' she said when he had done. `And you accepted the refusal? Well!'

`They gave their reasons,' replied Otto, colouring. `They were not such as I could combat; and I am driven to dilapidate the funds of my own country by a theft. It is not dignified; but it is fun.'

`Fun,' she said; `yes.' And then she remained silently plunged in thought for an appreciable time. `How much do you require?' she asked at length.

`Three thousand crowns will do,' he answered, `for I have still some money of my own.'

`Excellent,' she said, regaining her levity. `I am your true accomplice.

And where are we to meet?'

`You know the Flying Mercury,' he answered, `in the Park? Three pathways intersect; there they have made a seat and raised the statue.

The spot is handy and the deity congenial.'

`Child,' she said, and tapped him with her fan. `But do you know, my Prince, you are an egoist -- your handy trysting-place is miles from me. You must give me ample time; I cannot, I think, possibly be there before two. But as the bell beats two, your helper shall arrive: welcome, I trust.

Stay -- do you bring any one?' she added. `O, it is not for a chaperon -- I am not a prude!'

`I shall bring a groom of mine,' said Otto. `I caught him stealing corn.'

`His name?' she asked.

`I profess I know not. I am not yet intimate with my corn-stealer,' returned the Prince. `It was in a professional capacity -- `

`Like me! Flatterer!' she cried. `But oblige me in one thing.

Let me find you waiting at the seat -- yes, you shall await me; for on this expedition it shall be no longer Prince and Countess, it shall be the lady and the squire -- and your friend the thief shall be no nearer than the fountain. Do you promise?'

`Madam, in everything you are to command; you shall be captain, I am but supercargo,' answered Otto.

`Well, Heaven bring all safe to port!' she said. `It is not Friday!'

Something in her manner had puzzled Otto, had possibly touched him with suspicion.

`Is it not strange,' he remarked, `that I should choose my accomplice from the other camp?'

`Fool!' she said. `But it is your only wisdom that you know your friends.' And suddenly, in the vantage of the deep window, she caught up his hand and kissed it with a sort of passion. `Now go,' she added, `go at once.'

He went, somewhat staggered, doubting in his heart that he was over- bold. For in that moment she had flashed upon him like a jewel; and even through the strong panoply of a previous love he had been conscious of a shock. Next moment he had dismissed the fear.

Both Otto and the Countess retired early from the drawing-room; and the Prince, after an elaborate feint, dismissed his valet, and went forth by the private passage and the back postern in quest of the groom.

Once more the stable was in darkness, once more Otto employed the talismanic knock, and once more the groom appeared and sickened with terror.

`Good-evening, friend,' said Otto pleasantly. `I want you to bring a corn sack -- empty this time -- and to accompany me. We shall be gone all night.'

`Your Highness,' groaned the man, `I have the charge of the small stables. I am here alone.'

`Come,' said the Prince, `you are no such martinet in duty.' And then seeing that the man was shaking from head to foot, Otto laid a hand upon his shoulder. `If I meant you harm,' he said, `should I be here?'

The fellow became instantly reassured. He got the sack; and Otto led him round by several paths and avenues, conversing pleasantly by the way, and left him at last planted by a certain fountain where a goggle-eyed Triton spouted intermittently into a rippling laver. Thence he proceeded alone to where, in a round clearing, a copy of Gian Bologna's Mercury stood tiptoe in the twilight of the stars. The night was warm and windless. A shaving of new moon had lately arisen; but it was still too small and too low down in heaven to contend with the immense host of lesser luminaries; and the rough face of the earth was drenched with starlight. Down one of the alleys, which widened as it receded, he could see a part of the lamplit terrace where a sentry silently paced, and beyond that a corner of the town with interlacing street-lights. But all around him the young trees stood mystically blurred in the dim shine; and in the stock-still quietness the upleaping god appeared alive.

In this dimness and silence of the night, Otto's conscience became suddenly and staringly luminous, like the dial of a city clock. He averted the eyes of his mind, but the finger rapidly travelling, pointed to a series of misdeeds that took his breath away. What was he doing in that place?

The money had been wrongly squandered, but that was largely by his own neglect. And he now proposed to embarrass the finances of this country which he had been too idle to govern. And he now proposed to squander the money once again, and this time for a private, if a generous end. And the man whom he had reproved for stealing corn he was now to set stealing treasure.