书城公版The Life and Letters


Letters to.

His attitude toward the 'Origin of Species.'

Reviews the 'Origin of Species.'

AGGREGATION, studied by Darwin.


ANDES, Darwin crosses the.


ANTICIPATION of Darwin's views.

ANTS, observations on.

APPLETON, D., & CO., publish 'Origin of Species' in America.

ARGYLL, Duke of, criticises the 'Origin of Species.'

Darwin's comments on his criticisms.

Darwin on his 'Reign of Law.'

Reviews the 'Fertilisation of Orchids.'

ARISTOTLE, Darwin's estimate of.

ARRANGEMENT of leaves on the stems of plants.

'ATHENAEUM,' Darwin on its review of the 'Origin of Species.'

Reports British Association discussion.

Darwin's letters to, in his own defence.

Criticises Darwin.

AUSTRALIA, development of animals in.


AUSTRIAN expedition.

AUTOBIOGRAPHY, extracts from.

AVELING, Dr., on Darwin's religious views.


BAIN, Alexander, letter to.

BALFOUR, Francis M., Darwin's estimate of.

BALY medal presented to Darwin.

BAER, K.E. von, agrees with Darwin.

BASTIAN, H.C., Darwin on his 'Beginnings of Life.'

BATES, H.W., Darwin on his insect fauna of the Amazon valley.

Letters to.

Darwin on his mimetic variations of butterflies.


"BEAGLE", voyage of.

Darwin offered an appointment to the.

Her equipments.

Object of her voyage.

Her crew.

BEETLES, collecting.

BEHRENS, W., letter to.

BELL, T., describes Darwin's reptiles.

BELL-STONE of Shrewsbury mentioned.

BELT, Thomas, Darwin on his 'Naturalist in Nicaragua.'

BEMMELEN, A. van, letter to.

BENTHAM, George, his silence on natural selection.

Letter to Francis Darwin on his adoption of Darwin's views.

His view of natural selection.

Letters to.

BERKELEY, Rev. M.J., reviews the 'Fertilisation of Orchids.'

BERLIN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES elects Darwin corresponding member.

BET made by Darwin.

BLOMEFIELD (JENYNS), Rev. Leonard, Darwin becomes acquainted with.

Letters to.

Darwin on his 'Observations in Natural History.'

BLOOM on leaves and fruit, Darwin's work on.

BLYTH, Edward, mentioned.

BOOLE, Mrs., her letter on natural selection and religion.

Letter to.

BOOTT, Francis, mentioned.

BOTANY, Darwin's work on, and its relation to natural selection.

BOWEN, Francis, reviews the 'Origin of Species.'

BRACE, C.L., and wife, Darwin on their philanthropic work.

BRAZIL, Emperor of, wishes to meet Darwin.

BREE, C.R., his work 'Species not Transmutable.'

Accuses Wallace of blundering, and is answered by Darwin.

BREEDING, sources of information on.

BRESSA prize presented to Darwin.

BRITISH ASSOCIATION discusses the 'Origin of Species.'

Oxford meeting of, allegorized.

Belfast meeting.

BRONN, H.G., edits the 'Origin of Species' in German.

Letters to.

Criticisms on the 'Origin of Species.'

BROWN, Robert, mentioned.

BRUNTON, T. Lauder, letter to.

BUCKLE, his system of collecting facts.

Darwin on his 'History of Civilisation.'

BUCKLEY, Miss A.B., letters to.

BUFFON, Darwin on.

BUNBURY, Sir C., mentioned.

BUTLER, Samuel, charges Darwin of falsehood.

BUTLER, Dr., his school at Shrewsbury.

BUTTON, Jemmy, a visit to.

CAIRNS, J.E., his lecture on 'The Slave Power.'

CAM BRIDGE, University of, makes Darwin LL.D.

Obtains memorial portrait of him.

CAMERON, Mrs., makes a photograph of Darwin.

CANARY ISLANDS, projected trip to.

CANDOLLE, Alphonse de, letters to.

His view of the 'Origin of Species.'

Darwin on his 'Histoire des Sciences et des Savants.'

CARLYLE, Thomas, on Erasmus A. Darwin.

His interesting talk.

CARPENTER, W.B., letters to.

Reviews the 'Origin of Species.'

His work on 'Foraminifera.'

CARUS, J. Victor, letters to.

CATON, John D., letter to.

CHAMBERS, R., Darwin on his geological views.

CHANCE, not implied in evolution.

CHIMNEY-SWEEPS, Darwin's efforts for.

CIRRIPEDIA, monograph of the.

Nomenclature of.

Work on.

The so-called auditory sac of.

CIVIL WAR in the United States.

Darwin on.

CLARK, William, mentioned.

CLARK, Sir Andrew, is Darwin's physician.

CLIMATE and migration.

'CLIMBING PLANTS,' written and published.

Work on.

Republished in book-form.

COAL, discussion on submarine.

COHN, Prof., describes a visit to Darwin.

COLENSO, Bishop, his 'Pentateuch and the Book of Joshua.'

COLLECTING, Darwin on.


COLLIER, John, paints Darwin's portrait.


CONTINENTAL EXTENSION, Darwin's reasons against.

CONTINENTS, permanence of.

COPE, E.D., Darwin on his theory of acceleration.

COPLEY MEDAL presented to Darwin.

'CORAL REEFS,' at work upon.

Opinions on.

Criticised by Semper.

Darwin's answer to Semper.

Darwin on Murray's criticisms of.

Second edition.

CRAWFORD, John, reviews the 'Origin of Species.'


'CREED OF SCIENCE,' read by Darwin.

CRESY, E., letter to.

CRICK, W.D., communicates to Darwin a mode of dispersal of bivalve shells.


DANA, Prof., sends Darwin 'Geology of U.S. Expedition.'

DARESTE, Camille, letter to.


DARWIN, Annie, Darwin's account of.

Death of.

DARWIN, Miss C., letter to.

DARWIN, Catherine, letters to.

DARWIN, Charles, studies medicine at Edinburgh.

Young man of great promise.

DARWIN, Charles Robert (1809-1882).

Table of relationship.


Personal characteristics as traced from his forefathers.

Love and respect for his father's memory.

His affection for his brother Erasmus.


Mother dies.

Taste for natural history.

School-boy experiences.

Humane disposition toward animals.

Goes to Dr. Butler's school at Shrewsbury.

Taste for long, solitary walks.

Inability to master a language.

Leaves school with strong and diversified tastes.

Fondness for poetry in early life.

A wish to travel first roused by reading 'Wonders of the World.'

Fondness for shooting.

Collects minerals and becomes interested in insects and birds.

Studies chemistry.

Goes to Edinburgh University.

And attends medical lectures.