书城公版The Deputy of Arcis


M.le Colonel Franchessini.--Gentlemen, being more accustomed to the frankness of camps than to the reticence of these precincts, Imay perhaps have committed the impropriety of thinking aloud.The preceding speaker said to you that he believed M.de Sallenauve was employed in collecting his means of defence; well, I do not say to you "I believe," I tell you I know that a rich stranger succeed in substituting his protection for what which Phidias, our colleague, was bestowing on his handsome model, an Italian woman--[Fresh interruption."Order! order!" "This is intolerable!"]

A Voice.--M.le president, silence the speaker!

Colonel Franchessini crosses his arms and waits till the tumult subsides.

The President.--I request the speaker to keep to the question.

M.le Colonel Franchessini.--The question! I have not left it.

But, inasmuch as the Chamber refuses to hear me, I declare that Iside with the minority of the committee.It seems to me very proper to send M.de Sallenauve back to his electors in order to know whether they intended to send a deputy or a lover to this Chamber--["Order! order!" Loud disturbance on the Left.The tumult increases.]

M.de Canalis hurries to the tribune.

The President.--M.le ministre of Public Works has asked for the floor; as minister of the king he has the first right to be heard.

M.de Rastignac.--It has not been without remonstrance on my part, gentlemen, that this scandal has been brought to your notice.I endeavored, in the name of the long friendship which unites me to Colonel Franchessini, to persuade him not to speak on this delicate subject, lest his parliamentary inexperience, aggravated in a measure by his witty facility of speech, should lead him to some very regrettable indiscretion.Such, gentleman, was the subject of the little conversation you may have seen that he held with me on my bench before he asked for the floor; and Imyself have asked for the same privilege only in order to remove from your minds all idea of my complicity in the great mistake he has just, as I think, committed by condescending to the private details he has thought fit to relate to this assembly.But as, against my intention, and I may add against my will, I have entered the tribune, the Chamber will permit me, perhaps,--although no ministerial interest is here concerned,--to say a few words.[Cries from the Centre: "Go on!" "Speak!"]

M.le ministre then went on to say that the conduct of the absent deputy showed contempt for the Chamber; he was treating it lightly and cavalierly.M.de Sallenauve had asked for leave of absence;but how or where had he asked for it? From a foreign country! That is to say, he began by taking it, and then asked for it! Did he trouble himself, as is usual in such cases, to give a reason for the request? No; he merely says, in his letter to your president, that he is forced to absent himself on "urgent business,"--a very convenient excuse, on which the Chamber might be depopulated of half its members.But, supposing that M.de Sallenauve's business was really urgent, and that he thought it of a nature not to be explained in a letter that would necessarily be made public, why had he not written confidentially to the president, or even requested a friend in some responsible position, whose ****** word would have sufficed, to assure the Chamber of the necessity of the deputy's absence without requiring any statement of private reasons?

At this point M.de Rastignac's remarks were interrupted by a commotion in the corridor to the right.Several deputies left their seats; others jumped upon the benches, apparently endeavoring to see something.The minister, after turning to the president, from whom he seemed to be asking an explanation, went back to the ministerial bench, where he was immediately surrounded by a number of the deputies of the Centre, among whom, noticeable for the vehemence of his gestures, was M.le procureur-general Vinet.Groups formed in the audience chamber; the sitting was, in fact, informally suspended.

After a few moments' delay M.le president rings his bell.

The Ushers.--Take your seats, gentlemen.

The deputies hasten on all sides to do so.

The President.--M.de Sallenauve has the floor.

M.de Sallenauve, who, during the few moments that the sitting was interrupted by his entrance, has been talking with M.de Canalis and M.d'Arthez, goes to the tribune.His manner is modest, but he shows no sign of embarrassment.Every one is struck by his resemblance to the portraits of one of the most fiery of the revolutionary orators.

A Voice.--It is Danton--without the small-pox!

M.de Sallenauve.--[Profound silence.] Gentlemen, I do not misjudge my parliamentary value; I know that the persecution directed apparently against me personally is, in point of fact, aimed at the political opinions I have the honor to represent.

But, however that may be, my election seems to have been viewed by the ministry as a matter of some importance.In order to oppose it, a special agent and special journalists were sent to Arcis;and a humble employe under government, with a salary of fifteen hundred francs, was dismissed, after twenty years of faithful and honorable service, for having aided in my success.[Loud murmurs from the Centre.] I thank my honorable interrupters, feeling sure that their loud disapprobation is given to this strange dismissal, which is not open to the slightest doubt.[Laughter on the Left.]

As for me, gentlemen, who could not be dismissed, I have been attacked with another weapon,--sagacious calumny, combined with my fortunate absence--The Minister of Public Works.--Of course the government sent you out of the country.