书城公版The Deputy of Arcis


Meanwhile the bandy-legged creature went up familiarly to the giver of holy-water and offered him a pinch of snuff; then without paying any further attention to me, he limped to a low door at the side of the church and disappeared.The evident pains this deformed being had taken to fix the organist's attention upon me seemed to me a revelation.Evidently, the maestro knew of the singular manner by which my quarterly stipend had reached me; which stipend, I should tell you, had been regularly continued until my orders for work so increased as to put me beyond all necessity.It was not improbable therefore that this man, who listened to me at the Cafe des Arts, was the repository of other secrets relating to my early life; and Ibecame most eager to obtain an explanation from him; all the more because, as I was now living on my own resources, my curiosity could not be punished, as formerly threatened, by the withdrawal of my subsidy.

Making my decision quickly, I followed the organist at once; but by the time I reached the door of the church he was out of sight.

However, my luck prompted me to follow the direction he had taken, and as I reached the quai de Bethune I saw him to my great joy rapping at the door of a house.Entering resolutely after him, I asked the porter for the organist of Saint-Louis-de-l'Ile.

"Monsieur Jacques Bricheteau?"

"Yes; Monsieur Jacques Bricheteau; he lives here I believe.""Fourth floor above the entresol, door to the left.He has just come in, and you can overtake him on the stairs."Rapidly as I ran up, my man had the key of his door already in the lock when I reached him.

"Have I the honor of speaking to Monsieur Jacques Bricheteau?" Iasked.

"Don't know any such person," he replied with effrontery, unlocking his door.

"Perhaps I pronounce the name incorrectly; I mean the organist of Saint-Louis-de-l'Ile.""I have never heard of any organist in this house.""Pardon me, monsieur, there is one, for the concierge has just told me so.Besides I saw you leave the organ loft of that church followed by an individual who--"Before I could finish my sentence this singular individual cut short our interview by entering his apartment and locking the door behind him.For a moment I thought that I must have been mistaken; but on reflection I saw that a mistake was impossible.I had to do with a man who, for years, had proved his unremitting discretion.No, he was obstinately bent on avoiding me; I was not mistaken in recognizing him.

I then began to pull the bell vigorously, being quite resolved to get some answer at least to my demand.For some little time the besieged took the racket I made patiently; then, all of a sudden, I noticed that the bell had ceased to ring.Evidently, the wire was disconnected; the besieged was secure, unless I kicked in the door;but that of course, was not altogether the thing to do.

I returned to the porter and, without giving the reasons for my discomfiture, I told him about it.In that way I won his confidence and so obtained some little information about the impenetrable Monsieur Jacques Bricheteau.Though readily given, this information did not enlighten me at all as to the actual situation.Bricheteau was said to be a quiet lodger, civil, but not communicative; though punctual in paying his rent, his means seemed small; he kept no servant and took his meals out of the house.Going out every morning before ten o'clock, he seldom came in before night; the inference was that he was either a clerk in some office, or that he gave music lessons in private houses.

One detail alone in the midst of this vague and useless information was of interest.For the last few months Monsieur Jacques Bricheteau had received a voluminous number of letters the postage on which indicated that they came from foreign parts; but, in spite of his desires, the worthy concierge had never, he said, been able to decipher the post-mark.Thus this detail, which might have been very useful to me became for the moment absolutely worthless.

I returned home, persuading myself that a pathetic letter addressed to the refractory Bricheteau would induce him to receive me.Mingling with my entreaties the touch of a threat, I let him know that I was firmly resolved at all costs to get to the bottom of the mystery which weighed upon my life; the secret of which he evidently knew.The next morning, before nine o'clock, I went to his house, only to learn that after paying the rent to the end of his term, he had packed up his furniture and left the house in the early morning, without the porter being able to discover from the men who removed his property (well-paid to keep silence, no doubt) where they were ordered to carry it.

These men being strangers in the quarter, it was quite impossible to discover them later.

I felt, however, that I still had a clue to him, through the organ at Saint-Louis, and the following Sunday after high mass I posted myself as before at the door of the organ loft, determined not to let go of the sphinx until I had made him speak.But here again, disappointment!

Monsieur Jacques Bricheteau's place was taken by a pupil.The same thing happened on the three following Sundays.On the fourth, Iaccosted the pupil and asked him if the master were ill.

"No, monsieur," he replied."Monsieur Bricheteau has asked for leave of absence.He will be absent for some time; I believe on business.""Where, then, can I write to him?"

"I don't rightly know; but I think you had better address your letter to his house; not far from here, quai de Bethune.""But he has moved; didn't you know it?"

"No, indeed; where does he live now?"

This was poor luck; to ask information of a man who asked it of me when I questioned him.As if to put be quite beside myself while I was ****** these inquiries, I saw that damned dwarf in the distance evidently laughing at me.