书城公版A Monk of Fife


Entering the tavern of "The Crane,"I found the doorways crowded with archers of our Guard,among whom was Randal Rutherford.

When I had come,they walked into a chamber on the ground floor,calling for wine,and bidding certain French burgesses go forth,who needed no second telling.The door was shut,two sentinels of ours were posted outside,and then Randal very carefully sounded all the panels of the room,looking heedfully lest there should be any hole whereby what passed among us might be heard in another part of the house,but he found nothing of the kind.

The room being full,some sitting and some standing,as we could,Randal bade Father Urquhart,our chaplain,tell us to what end we had been called together.

The good father thereupon stood up,and spoke in a low voice,but so that all could hear,for we were all hushed to listen.

"There is,"he said,"within Paris,a certain Carmelite,a Frenchman,and a friend of Brother Richard,the Preacher,whom,as you know,the English drove from the town.""I saw him at Troyes,"said one,"where he kneeled before the Maid,and they seemed very loving.""That is the man,that is Brother Richard.Now,as I was busy tending the wounded,in the skirmish three days agone,this Carmelite was about the same duty for those of his party.He put into my hand a slip of paper,wherein Brother Richard commended him to any Scot or Frenchman of the King's party,as an honest man,and a friend of the King's.When I had read this,the Carmelite spoke with me in Latin,and in a low voice.His matter was this:In Paris,he said,there is a strong party of Armagnacs,who have,as we all know,a long score to settle with them of Burgundy.They are of the common folk and labourers,but among them are many rich burgesses.They have banded themselves together by an oath to take our part,within the town,if once we win a gate.Here is a cedule signed by them with their names or marks,and this he gave me as a proof of good faith."Here he handed a long slip of parchment,all covered with writing,to Randal,and it went round among us,but few there were clerks,save myself.I looked on it,and the names,many of them attested by seals with coat armour,were plain to be read.

"Their counsel is to muster in arms secretly,and to convey themselves,one by one,into certain houses hard by the Port St.

Denis,where certain of their party dwell.Now,very early to-morrow morning,before dawn,the purpose of the English is to send forth a company of a hundred men-at-arms,who will make a sudden onset on the windmill,where the Maid lies to-night,and so will take her,if they may.""By St.Bride of Douglas,"said one of us,"they will get their kail through the reek,for our guard is to lie in arms about the windmill,and be first in the field to-morrow.""The craft is,then,"Father Urquhart went on,"that we shall destroy this English company with sword or arrow,but with no alarm of culverins or cannon.Meanwhile,some five score of you will put on to-night the red cross of St.George,with plain armour,so that the English shall mistake you for their own men returning from the sally,and some few men in our own colours and coats you will hale with you as prisoners.And,if one of you can but attire himself in some gear of the Maid's,with a hucque of hers,scarlet,and dight with the Lilies of France,the English gate-wards will open to you all the more eagerly.""By the bones of St.Boswell!"cried Randal in his loud voice,but the good Father put a hand on his mouth.

"Quiet,man!"he said.