书城公版The Duchesse de Langeais


At the top of the rock there was a platform with sheer precipice on all sides.The Thirteen, reconnoitring the ground with their glasses from the masthead, made certain that though the ascent was steep and rough, there would be no difficulty in gaining the convent garden, where the trees were thick enough for a hiding-place.After such great efforts they would not risk the success of their enterprise, and were compelled to wait till the moon passed out of her last quarter.

For two nights Montriveau, wrapped in his cloak, lay out on the rock platform.The singing at vespers and matins filled him with unutterable joy.He stood under the wall to hear the music of the organ, listening intently for one voice among the rest.But in spite of the silence, the confused effect of music was all that reached his ears.In those sweet harmonies defects of execution are lost; the pure spirit of art comes into direct communication with the spirit of the hearer, ****** no demand on the attention, no strain on the power of listening.Intolerable memories awoke.All the love within him seemed to break into blossom again at the breath of that music; he tried to find auguries of happiness in the air.During the last night he sat with his eyes fixed upon an ungrated window, for bars were not needed on the side of the precipice.A light shone there all through the hours; and that instinct of the heart, which is sometimes true, and as often false, cried within him, "She is there!""She is certainly there! Tomorrow she will be mine," he said to himself, and joy blended with the slow tinkling of a bell that began to ring.

Strange unaccountable workings of the heart! The nun, wasted by yearning love, worn out with tears and fasting, prayer and vigils; the woman of nine-and-twenty, who had passed through heavy trials, was loved more passionately than the lighthearted girl, the woman of four-and-twenty, the sylphide, had ever been.

But is there not, for men of vigorous character, something attractive in the sublime expression engraven on women's faces by the impetuous stirrings of thought and misfortunes of no ignoble kind? Is there not a beauty of suffering which is the most interesting of all beauty to those men who feel that within them there is an inexhaustible wealth of tenderness and consoling pity for a creature so gracious in weakness, so strong with love? It is the ordinary nature that is attracted by young, smooth, pink-and-white beauty, or, in one word, by prettiness.In some faces love awakens amid the wrinkles carved by sorrow and the ruin made by melancholy; Montriveau could not but feel drawn to these.For cannot a lover, with the voice of a great longing, call forth a wholly new creature? a creature athrob with the life but just begun breaks forth for him alone, from the outward form that is fair for him, and faded for all the world besides.Does he not love two women?--One of them, as others see her, is pale and wan and sad; but the other, the unseen love that his heart knows, is an angel who understands life through feeling, and is adorned in all her glory only for love's high festivals.

The General left his post before sunrise, but not before he had heard voices singing together, sweet voices full of tenderness sounding faintly from the cell.When he came down to the foot of the cliffs where his friends were waiting, he told them that never in his life had he felt such enthralling bliss, and in the few words there was that unmistakable thrill of repressed strong feeling, that magnificent utterance which all men respect.

That night eleven of his devoted comrades made the ascent in the darkness.Each man carried a poniard, a provision of chocolate, and a set of house-breaking tools.They climbed the outer walls with scaling-ladders, and crossed the cemetery of the convent.