书城公版Jean of the Lazy A


Sometimes events follow docilely the plans that would lead them out of the future of possibilities and into the present of actualities,and sometimes they bring with them other events which no man may foresee unless he is indeed a prophet.You would never think,for instance,that Gil Huntley and his blood sponge would pull from the future a chain of incidents that would eventually--well,never mind what.Just follow the chain of incidents and see what lies at the end.

Pete Lowry and Gil had planned cunningly for a certain readjustment of Jean's standing in the company,for no deeper reasons than their genuine liking for the girl and a common human impulse to have a hand in the ordering of their little world.In ten days Robert Grant Burns received a letter from Dewitt,president of the Great Western Film Company,which amply fulfilled those plans,and,as I said,opened the way for other events quite unforeseen.

There were certain orders from the higher-ups which Robert Grant Burns must heed.They were,briefly,the immediate transfer of Muriel Gay to the position of leading woman in a new company which was being sent to Santa Barbara to make light comedy-dramas.Robert Grant Burns grunted when he read that,though it was a step up the ladder for Muriel which she would be glad to take.The next paragraph instructed him to place the young woman who had been doubling for Miss Gay in the position which Miss Gay would leave vacant.It was politely suggested that he adapt the leading woman's parts to the ability of this young woman;which meant that he must write his scenarios especially with her in mind.He was informed that he should feature the young woman in her remarkable horsemanship,etc.It was pointed out that her work was being noticed in the Western features which Robert Grant Burns had been sending in,and that other film companies would no doubt make overtures shortly,in the hope of securing her services.Under separate cover they were mailing a contract which would effectually forestall such overtures,and they were relying upon him to see that she signed up with the Great Western as per contract.Finally,it was suggested,since Mr.Dewitt chose always to suggest rather than to command,that Robert Grant Burns consider the matter of writing a series of short stories having some connecting thread of plot and featuring this Miss Douglas.(This,by the way,was the beginning of the serial form of motion-picture plays which has since become so popular.)Robert Grant Burns read that letter through slowly,and then sat down heavily in an old arm-chair in the hotel office,lighted one of his favorite fat,black cigars,and mouthed it absently,while he read the letter through again.He said "John Jimpson!"just above a whisper.

He held the letter in his two hands and regarded it strangely.Then he looked up,caught the quizzical,inquiring glance of Pete Lowry,and beckoned that secret-smiling individual over to him."Read that!"he grunted."Read it and tell me what you think of it."Pete Lowry read it carefully,and grinned when he handed it back.He did not,however,tell Robert Grant Burns just exactly what he thought of it.He merely said that it had to come sometime,he guessed.

"She can't put over the dramatic stuff,"objected Robert Grant Burns."She's got the face for it,all right,and when she registers real emotions,it gets over big.The bottled-up kind of people always do.But she's never acted an emotion she didn't feel--""How about that all-in stuff,and the listening-and--waiting business she put across before she took a shot at Gil that time she fainted?"Pete reminded him."If you ask me,that little girl can act.""Well,whether she can or not,she's got to try it,"said Burns with some foreboding."She's been going big,with Gay to do all the close-up,dramatic work.

The trouble is,Pete,that girl always does as she darn pleases!If I put her opposite Lee in a scene and tell her to act like she is in love with him,and that he's to kiss her and she's to kiss back,--"he flung out his hands expressively."You must know the rest,as well as I do.She'd turn around and give me a call-down,and get on her horse and ride off;and I and my picture could go to thunder,for all of her.That's the point;she ain't been through the mill.She don't know anything about taking orders--from me or anybody else."It is a pity that Lite did not hear that!He might have amended the statement a little.Jean had been taking orders enough;she knew a great deal about receiving ultimatums.The trouble was that she seldom paid any attention to them.Lite was accustomed to that,but Robert Grant Burns was not,and it irked him sore.

"Well,she's sure got the screen personality,"Pete defended."I've said it all along.That girl don't have to act.Put her in the part,and she is the part!

She's got something better than technique,Burns.She's got imagination.She puts herself in a character and lives it.""Put her on a horse and she does,"Burns conceded gloomily."But will you tell me what kind of work she'll make of interior scenes,and love scenes,and all that?You've got to have it,to pad out your story.

You can't let your leading character do a whole two--or three-reel picture on horseback.There wouldn't be any contrast.Dewitt don't know that girl the way I do.If he'd had to side-step and scheme and give in the way I've done to keep her working,he wouldn't put her playing straight leads,not until she'd had a year or two of training--""Taming is a better word,"Pete suggested drily.