From my own Apartment,October 25.
When I came home last night my servant delivered me the following letter:
"SIR,"I have orders from Sir Harry Quickset,of Staffordshire,Baronet,to acquaint you that his honour Sir Harry himself,Sir Giles Wheelbarrow,Knight,Thomas Rentfree,Esquire,Justice of the Quorum,Andrew Windmill,Esquire,and Mr.Nicholas Doubt,of the Inner Temple,Sir Harry's grandson,will wait upon you at the hour of nine to-morrow morning,being Tuesday the twenty-fifth of October,upon business which Sir Harry will impart to you by word of mouth.I thought it proper to acquaint you beforehand so many persons of quality came,that you might not be surprised therewith.
Which concludes,though by many years'absence since I saw you at Stafford,unknown,Sir,your most humble servant,"JOHN THRIFTY.
"October 24."
I received this message with less surprise than I believe Mr.Thrifty imagined;for I knew the good company too well to feel any palpitations at their approach;but I was in very great concern how I should adjust the ceremonial,and demean myself to all these great men,who perhaps had not seen anything above themselves for these twenty years last past.I am sure that is the case of Sir Harry.
Besides which,I was sensible that there was a great point in adjusting my behaviour to the ****** esquire,so as to give him satisfaction and not disoblige the justice of the quorum.