书城公版King Solomon's Mines


"WHAT was it that you heard about my brother's journey at Bamangwato?"said Sir Henry,as I paused to fill my pipe before answering Captain Good.

"I heard this,"I answered,"and I have never mentioned it to a soul till to-day.I heard that he was starting for Solomon's Mines.""Solomon's Mines!"ejaculated both my hearers at once."Where are they?""I don't know,"I said;"I know where they are said to be.I once saw the peaks of the mountains that border them,but there was a hundred and thirty miles of desert between me and them,and I am not aware that any white man ever got across it,save one.But perhaps the best thing I can do is to tell you the legend of Solomon's Mines as I know it,you passing your word not to reveal anything I tell you without my permission.

Do you agree to that?I have my reasons for asking it."Sir Henry nodded,and Captain Good replied,"Certainly,certainly.""Well,"I began,"as you may guess,in a general way elephant-hunters are a rough set of men,and don't trouble themselves with much beyond the facts of life and the ways of Kaffirs.But here and there you meet a man who takes the trouble to collect traditions from the natives,and tries to make out a little piece of the history of this dark land.It was such a man as this who first told me the legend of Solomon's Mines,now a matter of nearly thirty years ago.It was when I was on my first elephant hunt in the Matabele country.His name was Evans,and he was killed next year,poor fellow,by a wounded buffalo,and lies buried near the Zambesi Falls.

I was telling Evans one night,I remember,of some wonderful workings Ihad found while hunting koodoo and eland in what is now the Lydenburg district of the Transvaal.I see they have come across these workings again lately in prospecting for gold,but I knew of them years ago.There is a great wide wagon-road cut out of the solid rock,and leading to the mouth of the working or gallery.Inside the mouth of this gallery are stacks of gold quartz piled up ready for crushing,which shows that the workers,whoever they were,must have left in a hurry,and about twenty paces in the gallery is built across,and a beautiful bit of masonry it is.

"'Ay,'said Evans,`but I will tell you a queerer thing than that;'

and he went on to tell me how he had found in the far interior a ruined city,which he believed to be the Ophir of the Bible -and,by the way,other more learned men have said the same long since poor Evans's time.

I was,I remember,listening open-eared to all these wonders,for I was young at the time,and this story of an ancient civilization,and of the treasure which those old Jewish or Phoenician adventurers used to extract from a country long since lapsed into the darkest barbarism,took a great hold upon my imagination,when suddenly he said to me,`Lad,did you ever hear of the Suliman Mountains up to the northwest of the Mashukulumbwe country?'I told him I never had.`Ah,well,'he said,`that was where Solomon really had his mines -his diamond mines,I mean.'

"'How do you know that?'I asked.

"'Know it?why,what is "Suliman"but a corruption of Solomon?

and,besides,an old Isanusi (witch doctor)up in the Manica country told me all about it.She said that the people who lived across those mountains were a branch of the Zulus,speaking a dialect of Zulu,but finer and bigger men even;that there lived among them great wizards,who had learned their art from white men when "all the world was dark,"and who had the secret of a wonderful mine of "bright stones."'

"Well,I laughed at this story at the time,though it interested me,for the diamond fields were not discovered then,and poor Evans went off and got killed,and for twenty years I never thought any more of the matter.But just twenty years afterwards -and that is a long time,gentlemen;an elephant-hunter does not often live for twenty years at his business -I heard something more definite about Suliman's Mountains and the country which lies beyond them.I was up beyond the Manica country at a place called Sitanda's Kraal,and a miserable place it was,for one could get nothing to eat there,and there was but little game about.I had an attack of fever,and was in a bad way generally,when one day a Portugee arrived with a single companion -a half-breed.Now I know your Delagoa Portugee well.

There is no greater devil unhung,in a general way,battening as he does upon human agony and flesh in the shape of slaves.But this was quite a different type of man to the low fellows I had been accustomed to meet;he reminded me more of the polite dons I have read about.He was tall and thin,with large dark eyes and curling gray mustache.We talked together a little,for he could speak broken English,and I understood a little Portugee,and he told me that his name was JoséSilvestre,and that he had a place near Delagoa Bay;and when he went on next day,with his half-breed companion,he said,`Good-bye,'taking off his hat quite in the old style.`Good-bye,senor,'he said;`if ever we meet again I shall be the richest man in the world,and I will remember you.'I laughed a little -I was too weak to laugh much -and watched him strike out for the great desert to the west,wondering if he was mad,or what he thought he was going to find there.

"A week passed,and I got the better of my fever.One evening I was sitting on the ground in front of the little tent I had with me,chewing the last leg of a miserable fowl I had bought from a native for a bit of cloth worth twenty fowls,and staring at the hot,red sun sinking down into the desert,when suddenly I saw a figure,apparently that of a European,for it wore a coat,on the slope of the rising ground opposite to me,about three hundred yards away.The figure crept along on its hands and knees,then it got up and staggered along a few yards on its legs,only to fall and crawl along again.Seeing that it must be somebody in distress,I sent one of my hunters to help him,and presently he arrived,and who do you suppose it turned out to be?""JoséSilvestre,of course,"said Captain Good.