It was not yet daylight when he awoke with an idea that brought him hurriedly to his feet.Quickly dressing himself,he began to count the money in his pocket.Apparently the total was not satisfactory,as he endeavored to augment it by loose coins fished from the pockets of his other garments,and from the corner of his washstand drawer.Then he cautiously crept downstairs,seized his gun,and stole out of the still sleeping house.The wind had gone down,the rain had ceased,a few stars shone steadily in the north,and the shapeless bulk of the coach,its lamps extinguished,loomed high and dry above the lessening water,in the twilight.With a swinging tread Jeff strode up the hill and was soon upon the highway and stage road.A half-hour's brisk walk brought him to the summit,and the first rosy flashes of morning light.This enabled him to knock over half-a-dozen early quail,lured by the proverb,who were seeking their breakfast in the chaparral,and gave him courage to continue on his mission,which his perplexed face and irresolute manner had for the last few moments shown to be an embarrassing one.
At last the white fences and imposing outbuildings of the "Summit Hotel"rose before him,and he uttered a deep sigh.There,basking in the first rays of the morning sun,stood his successful rival!
Jeff looked at the well-built,comfortable structure,the commanding site,and the air of serene independence that seemed to possess it,and no longer wondered that the great world passed him by to linger and refresh itself there.
He was relieved to find the landlord was not present in person,and so confided his business to the bar-keeper.At first it appeared that that functionary declined interference,and with many head-shakings and audible misgivings was inclined to await the coming of his principal,but a nearer view of Jeff's perplexed face,and an examination of Jeff's gun,and the few coins spread before him,finally induced him to produce certain articles,which he packed in a basket and handed to Jeff,taking the gun and coins in exchange.
Thus relieved,Jeff set his face homewards,and ran a race with the morning into the valley,reaching the "Half-way House"as the sun laid waste its bare,bleak outlines,and relentlessly pointed out its defects one by one.It was cruel to Jeff at that moment,but he hugged his basket close and slipped to the back door and the kitchen,where his aunt was already at work.
"I didn't know ye were up yet,aunty,"said Jeff submissively."It isn't more than six o'clock.""Thar's four more to feed at breakfast,"said his aunt severely,"and yer's the top blown off the kitchen chimbly,and the fire only just got to go."Jeff saw that he was in time.The ordinary breakfast of the "Half-way House,"not yet prepared,consisted of codfish,ham,yellow-ochre biscuit,made after a peculiar receipt of his aunt's,and potatoes.
"I got a few fancy fixin's up at the Summit this morning,aunty,"he began apologetically,"seein'we had sick folks,you know--you and the young lady--and thinkin'it might save you trouble.I've got 'em here,"and he shyly produced the basket.
"If ye kin afford it,Jeff,"responded his aunt resignedly,"I'm thankful."The reply was so unexpectedly mild for Aunt Sally,that Jeff put his arms around her and kissed her hard cheek."And I've got some quail,aunty,knowin'you liked em.""I reckoned you was up to some such foolishness,"said Aunt Sally,wiping her cheek with her apron,"when I missed yer gun from the hall."But the allusion was a dangerous one,and Jeff slipped away.
He breakfasted early with Yuba Bill that morning;the latter gentleman's taciturnity being intensified at such moments through a long habit of confining himself strictly to eating in the limited time allowed his daily repasts,and it was not until they had taken the horses from the stable and were harnessing them to the coach that Jeff extracted from his companion some facts about his guests.They were Mr.and Mrs.Mayfield,Eastern tourists,who had been to the Sandwich Islands for the benefit of their daughter's health,and before returning to New York,intended,under the advice of their physician,to further try the effects of mountain air at the "Summit Hotel,"on the invalid.They were apparently rich people,the coach had been engaged for them solely--even the mail and express had been sent on by a separate conveyance,so that they might be more independent.It is hardly necessary to say that this fact was by no means palatable to Bill--debarring him not only the social contact and attentions of the "Express Agent,"but the selection of a box-seated passenger who always "acted like a man.""Ye kin kalkilate what kind of a pardner that 'ar yaller-livered Mayfield would make up on that box,partik'ly ez I heard before we started that he'd requested the kimpany's agent in Sacramento to select a driver ez didn't cuss,smoke,or drink.He did,sir,by gum!""I reckon you were very careful,then,Bill,"said Jeff.
"In course,"returned Bill,with a perfectly diabolical wink."In course!You know that 'Blue Grass,'"pointing out a spirited leader;"she's a fair horse ez horses go,but she's apt to feel her oats on a down grade,and takes a pow'ful deal o'soothin'and explanation afore she buckles down to her reg'lar work.Well,sir,I exhorted and labored in a Christian-like way with that mare to that extent that I'm cussed if that chap didn't want to get down afore we got to the level!""And the ladies?"asked Jeff,whose laugh--possibly from his morning's experience--was not as ready as formerly.
"The ladies!Ef you mean that 'ar livin'skellington I packed up to yer house,"said Bill promptly,"it's a pair of them in size and color,and ready for any first-class undertaker's team in the kintry.