
第35章 成功是过程,而不是终点 (10)

Believe you can succeed and you will. Achieving success in whatever endeavor you choose may be the goal of life. Because it gives you freedom from worry. Could that be?

Success means different things to every one of us. Some people believe it is measured in financial terms, i.e. having wealth; others believe it is helping others rather than helping themselves. A bit of both perhaps!Or it could be simply achieving for achievement' s sake. Success is such a personal thing. To many people it is the very root of their being—the reason for existing is to achieve something worthwhile in our lives. To the vast majority of the population it doesn' t matter much whether they want to be successful or not; that' s OK by me, as long as that is what you really want and you are happy with life. However, most people want and are motivated to a great extent by public recognition and a relentless pursuit of achievement. How many people too are really happy? How many people are really doing what they want to with their lives? (Incidentally, the ability to imagine makes us different from animals).

No matter what motivates you personally...whatever you choose to do with your life, don' t expect instant success. The years of struggle, commitment and learning in excelling at whatever endeavor or trade you choose, is no easy task. I would wholeheartedly agree with that statement. It takes a lot of courage, character and discipline to achieve success in any field. Nearly all successful people have doubted themselves at some point and wanted to give up. Yet they carried on. So many people give up within an inch or two away from the gold in the seam down the mine—a whisker away from success. One thing is for sure: success breeds success, as it gathers a momentum of its own and you get on an inning streak when everything seems to fit into place.

I like all of the following quotations. They all stand for what success means to me personally. So I' ll share them with you...

"Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worthwhile goals." "To live your life in your own way. To reach the goals you' ve set for yourself. To be the person you want to be—that is success."








involve [in'vlv] v. 包含;含有;使陷入;使卷入;牵涉

Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.


definition [,defi'nin] n. 定义;清晰度;解释;阐明

That is the true definition of team.


relentless [ri'lentlis] adj. 无情的,冷酷的,残酷的

He was relentless in demanding repayment of the debt.


endeavor [in'dev] n. 努力;尽力

Please make every endeavor to arrive punctually.





Incidentally, the ability to imagine makes us different from animals.

different from:与……不同;不同;不同于;与……区别

They all stand for what success means to me personally.

stand for:代表;代替;意味着;主张;支持


The Only Person in Charge of My Attitude Is Me

安吉拉·罗斯 / Angela Ross

The law of life that appears most important is a positive attitude. A positive attitude will help me overcome the impossible. It can determine whether I will succeed or fail in life. I have witnessed different attitudes of many significant people, showing what a positive attitude can do for you in life. It can move mountains, cross troubled waters and help me reach my dreams.

I am inspired by Ms. Debra Clark, who is a good friend of the family. Ms. Clark is a caseworker, an assistant teacher at Community College of Philadelphia (CCP) in the learning lab, and a Sunday school teacher at the church she attends. With all this to do, she still finds time in her busy schedule to help the elderly with housekeeping, shopping, and attending to their medical needs. Ms. Clark provides childcare for abused women and reads to schoolchildren. When it snows, you will find Ms. Clark outside shoveling snow for her neighbors. When Maya Angelou was writing her poem "Phenomena Woman," she must have been talking about Ms. Clark. I should probably mention that she is visually impaired. Ms. Clark has a positive attitude about everything. She is able to look beyond what she is lacking in sight and help others reach their goals.

What is an attitude? An attitude is a manner of acting, feeling, or thinking that shows one' s disposition or opinion. A positive attitude can allow me to achieve goals and accomplish dreams. On the other hand, a negative attitude will get me nowhere in life. I will not be able to achieve or accomplish any of my dreams or goals.