
第14章 意犹未尽的思念 (14)

Forster, with his usual affection for us, comes down to bring you this letter and to bring you home.

come down to:归结为;涉及


Thomas Hardy to Mary Hardy


My dear Mary,

I was beginning to think you had given up writing altogether when your letter came. Certainly try to get as long a time as you can Christmas.

I am glad you have been to Oxford again. It must be a jolly place. I shall try to get down there some time or other. You have no right to say that you are not connected with art. Everybody is, to a certain extent; the only difference between a professor and an amateur being is that the former has the (often disagreeable) necessity of making it to earning bread and cheese—and thus often rendering what is a pleasure to other people but a "bore" to himself.

About Thackeray, you must read something of his. He is considered to be the greatest novelist of the day—looking at novel writing of the highest kind as a perfect and truthful representation of actual life—which is no doubt the proper view to take. Hence, because his novels stand so high as works of Art or Truth, they often have anything but an elevating tendency, and on this account are particularly unfitted for young people—from their very truthfulness. People say that it is beyond Mr. Thackeray to paint a perfect man or woman—a great fault if novels are intended to instruct, but just the opposite if they are to be considered merely as Pictures. Vanity Fair is considered one of his best.

I expect to go home about Tuesday or Wednesday after Christmas and shall then find you there of course—We must have a "bit of a lark" —

Ever affectionately


Doc. 19,1863










extent [ikstent] n. 程度;大小;面积

To some extent, you are right.


amateur [鎚t(r)] n. 业余爱好者;业余运动员;外行

He is an amateur photographer.


opposite [pzit] n. 对立面;反义词

He sits opposite.


vanity [v鎛ti] n. 渺小;无所谓;自负;虚荣

All is vanity.





I always beginning to think you had given up writing altogether when your letter came.

give up:投降;认输;放弃

You have no right to say you are not connected with art.

be connected with:与……有联系


Emily Dickinson to William Austin Dickinson


Dear Austin,

I've been trying to think this morning how many weeks it was since you went away—I fail in calculations; it seems so long to me since you went back to school that I set down days for years, and weeks for a score of years—not reckoning time by minutes, I don't know what to think of such great discrepancies between the actual hours and those which "seem to be" . It may seem long to you since you returned to Boston— how I wish you could stay and never go back again. Everything is so still here, and the clouds are cold and gray—I think it will rain soon. Oh, I am so lonely!... You had a windy evening going back to Boston, and we thought of you many times and hoped you would not be cold. Our fire burned so cheerfully I couldn't help thinking of how many were here, and how many were away, and I wished so many times during that long evening that the door would open and you come walking in. Home is a holy thing—nothing of doubt or distrust can enter its blessed portals. I feel it more and more as the great world goes on, and one and another forsake in whom you place your trust, here seems indeed to be a bit of Eden which not the sin of any can utterly destroy, —smaller it is indeed, and it may be less fair, but fairer it is and brighter than all the world beside.

I hope this year in Boston will not impair your health, and I hope you will be as happy as you used to be before. I don't wonder it makes you sober to leave this blessed air—if it were in my power I would on every morning transmit its purest breaths fragrant and cool to you. How I wish you could have it—a thousand little winds waft it to me this morning, fragrant with forest leaves and bright autumnal berries. I would be willing to give you my portion for today, and take the salt sea's breath in its bright, bounding stead...

Your affectionate



Autumn, 1851.

