
第35章 温情四溢的生活 (6)

Thank you for writing me about Gatsby. I especially appreciate your letter because women, and even intelligent women, haven't generally cared much for it. They do not like women to be presented as emotionally passive as a matter of fact I think most women are, that their minds are taken up with a sort of second-rate and unessential book-keeping which their apologists call "practicality" —like the French, they are centime savers in the business of magic. (You see I am a Schopenhauerian, not a Shavian. )

You are thrilled by New York. I doubt you will be after five more years when you are more fully nourished from within. I carry the place around the world in my heart but sometimes I try to shake it off in my dreams. America's greatest promise is that something is going to happen, and after a while you get tired of waiting because nothing happens to people except that they grow old, and nothing happens to American art because America is the story of the moon that never rose. Nor does the "minute itself" ever come to life either, the minute not of unrest and hope but of a glowing peace, such as when the moon rose that night on Gerald and Sara's garden and you said you were happy to be there. No one ever makes things in America with that vast, magnificent, cynical disillusion with which Gerald and Sara make things like their parties.

(They were here, last week, and we spent six or seven happy days together.)

My new novel is marvelous. I'm in the first chapter. You may recognize certain things and people in it.

The young people in America are brilliant with second-hand sophistication inherited from their betters of the war generation who to some extent worked things out for themselves. They are brave, shallow, cynical, impatient, turbulent and empty. I like them not. The "fresh, strong river of America" ! My God, Marya, where are your eyes, or are they too fresh and strong to see anything but their own color and contour in the glass? America is so decadent that its brilliant children are damned almost before they are born. Can you name a single American artist except James and Whistler (who lived in England) who didn't die of drink? If it is fresh and strong to be unable to endure or tolerate things as they are, to shut your eyes or to distort and lie, then you're fight, Marya Mannes, and no one has ever so misinterpreted the flowers of civilization, the Greek or Gallic idea, as

Your sincere admirer,

F. Scott Fitzgerald

October, 1925












thrill [r'il] v. (使)兴奋;(使)激动

We were thrilled to hear your wonderful news.


sophistication [sf'istik'ein] n. 强词夺理;诡辩;混合

She felt proud of her newly-acquired sophistication.


inherit [inh'erit] v. 继承(财产,头衔等)

I inherited from my aunt.


turbulent [t':bjlnt] adj. 骚动的;骚乱的;汹涌的

The current is turbulent.





You are thrilled by New York.

be thrilled by:使激动

I carried the place(New York ) around the world in my heart but sometimes I try to shake it off in my dreams.

shake off:挣脱;摆脱


E.B. White to Miss R

E.B.怀特(1899-1985),生于纽约蒙特弗农,毕业于康奈尔大学。怀特是一位颇有造诣的散文家、幽默作家、诗人和讽刺作家。几代美国儿童之所以熟悉他,是因为他的第一流的儿童读物 《小斯图亚特》 和 《夏洛特的网》;一代又一代学生和作者熟悉他,因为他是 《风格的要素》的合著者(兼修订者)之一。《风格的要素》是一本关于作文和惯用法的很有价值的小册子,最初由在康奈尔大学教过怀特英语的小威廉·斯特朗克教授撰写。本篇是他给一位文学爱好者的回信。

Dear Miss R,

At seventeen, the future is apt to seem formidable, even depressing. You should see the pages of my journal circa 1916.

You asked me about writing how I did it. There is no trick to it. If you like to write and want to write, you write, no matter where you are or what else you are doing or whether anyone pays any heed. I must have written half a million words (mostly in my journal) before I had anything published, save for a couple of short items in St. Nicholas. If you want to write about feelings, about the end of summer, about growing, write about it. A great deal of writing is not plotted, most of my essays have no plot structure, they are a ramble in the woods, or a ramble in the basement of my mind. You ask. Who cares? Everybody cares. You say. It's been written before. Everything has been written before.