
第18章 思念里的流浪狗 (8)



























产 地:德国

概 述:拳狮犬体型中等,身体呈方形,容貌特殊,四肢强健,一举一动都充满力量,动作高雅。它十分机警、自信、威严,精力充沛、喜欢嬉戏,对孩子非常有耐心,深受人们的喜爱和信赖,是力量、敏捷、高雅的结合。

satchel [' s鎡l] n. (皮或帆布的)书包

May I carry this satchel?


uneasy [n' i:zi] adj. 不自在的;心神不安的;不稳定的;不舒服的

How can ability cast off uneasy mood?


scratch [skr鎡] v. 搔痒;抓;抹掉

The monkey scratched about in its mate' s fur for fleas.


savage ['s鎣id] adj. 野性的;凶猛的;粗鲁的;荒野的

He doesn' t like savage mountain scenery.





I was so furious that I thought only of getting hold of him.

get hold of:抓住;掌握

I felt as if I could tear him to pieces.

tear... to pieces:撕碎


The Dog Who Dialed 911

珍妮·玛丽·拉斯卡斯 / Jeanne Marie Laskas

When Leana Beasley wondered about a name for her new service dog, she thought about one of her favorite Bible quotes: "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

"Faith, " she said, cradling the rottweiler puppy."I' ll name you Faith. "

That was in 2001, and Leana, now 46, who is divorced and lives with her 20一year-old son, Michael, in a house in Puget Sound, Washington, admits she found the transition to the new dog difficult. Leana is wheelchair-bound and suffers from epilepsy; for nearly a decade she had come to depend on Bronson, her first service dog, to help her with chores and errands and, most critically, to assist her in the event of epileptic seizures. Bronson was retiring from service and evolving into a regular pet for Leana and her son.

Deep down, Leana doubted she' d ever trust another dog as deeply as she did Bronson, the creature she had come to regard as her guardian angel.

"Okay, Faith, " she said to her new dog, a brindled bundle of energy with eager eyes. "We have a lot of work to do, so let' s get started. "

Scientists speculate that some dogs, with their supremely sensitive noses, might be able to detect subtle changes in human body chemistry that occur just before a seizure. But only a select few know how to interpret that olfactory information as worthy of alarm.

Faith was eventually trained to understand and answer more than 150 commands, but it wasn' t until the evening of September 6, 2004, that Leana would learn what, exactly, Faith was made of. Leana and her son were then living in Richland, Washington. It was a typical evening: Michael had left for his night shift at the local grocery store, and Leana headed to bed, feeling a little sick, as if she were getting the flu. She checked on Bronson, asleep in the living room, and went into her bedroom. Faith wouldn' t leave her side. She wouldn' t lay down in her basket next to the bed, but instead stood there looking at Leana and... talking. That' s how it sounded, like a kind of chatter "Roo roo rooo rooo. "

"What is it?" Leana said. Soon enough Faith, all 85 pounds of her, jumped on Leona' s bed—a forbidden territory—and ran in circles. She would not answer Leanne' s command to get down, which was completely out of character for the obedient dog.

In her mind Leana heard the voice of the trainer: "Trust your dog!" A dog behaving strangely probably knows something you don' t know—and need to.

"Okay, Faith, I' m trusting you," she said. "I' m getting out of bed." She got in her wheelchair and investigated the house and, finding nothing unusual, decided to make herself hot chocolate.

She reached across the stove for the empty water kettle, and that' s when the world went black. She fell out of her wheelchair, hitting her head on the kitchen cabinet door, and lay unconscious on the floor. This was a medical emergency, though not directly caused by her epilepsy. Leana was experiencing liver failure; doctors later said that an adverse reaction to her medication made her liver nearly shut down.