
第25章 守候瞬间的永恒 (9)



My Father' s Shadow

琳达·钦·斯莱奇 / Linda Ching Sledge

My husband, Gary, and I were flying to Hawaii from New York City to show our five-month-old son, Timmy, to my parents for the first time. But what should have been a mission of joy filled me with apprehension. For five years I' d hardly spoken to my father. Loving but stern in the manner typical of Chinese fathers, he had made particular demands on me, and though we were very much alike, we' d grown very far apart.

When I became a teenager, my father held up my mother as a model of feminine behavior. But she was gregarious and social, while I preferred books to parties. He pressed me to mingle with his friends' children. I insisted on choosing my own companions. He assumed I' d follow in my mother' s footsteps and enroll in the local university to study teaching, and that I' d marry into one of the other long-established Chinese clans on the islands and settle down, as he and my mother had.

But I didn' t settle. As bullheaded as my father, I escaped to the University of California, where I fell in love with a haole, as we called Caucasians from the mainland. Gary had blue haole eyes and sandy haole hair. I announced that we were getting married—in Berkeley, not Hawaii. No huge, clamorous clan wedding for me. My parents came and met Gary just two days before our small, simple wedding. Afterward we moved to New York, as far from the islands as we could get without leaving American soil.

My father' s subsequent silence resonated with disapproval. He didn' t visit; neither did I. When my mother telephoned, he never asked to speak to me, and I never asked for him. We might have gone on like that, the habit of separation hardening into a permanent estrangement. Then Timmy was born, and I felt an unexpected tidal pull back to the islands.

On the long flight to Hawaii, memories of my childhood, when I was my father' s small shadow, came flooding back. I was three years old, running behind him as he walked between the banana trees in the plantation town where he taught high school. When I grew tired, he carried me on his shoulders. From there I could see forever. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, " he would sing."You make me happy when skies are gray." I laughed, taking his devotion as my due.

Now the prodigal daughter was returning with the firstborn of the next generation—a hazel-eyed, golden-skinned hapa haole(half-white) child who looked little like his Chinese ancestors. How would my father react? If he disapproved of Timmy, as he had of me, the breach between us would be complete, I would never return.

The plane landed, and I gratefully placed a crying, hungry Timmy into my mother' s eager arms. Here was instant and unconditional acceptance of a child by his grandmother.

My father' s expression was passive and hard to read. He greeted us politely: "Good trip?" Then he peered cautiously at Timmy, who promptly began to shriek. My father stepped back in alarm. Did he find it unsettling that this squalling stranger might be his own flesh and blood?

After dinner at my parents' house, Gary and I retired to my old bedroom. My mother tucked Timmy into a borrowed crib in a room down the hall.

Four hours later mother instinct pulled me from sleep. This was the time Timmy usually woke for a bottle, but there were no cries of hunger, no fretful wails. Instead, I heard only the sweet, soft gurgle of baby laughter. I tiptoed down the hall.

In the living room, Timmy lay on a pillow on the floor in a circle of light, his plump, tiny fists and feet churning gleefully. He studied the face bent over him, an Asian face burned dark by the Hawaiian sun, with laugh wrinkles at the corners of the eyes. My father was giving Timmy a bottle, tickling his tummy and crooning softly, "You are my sunshine..."

I watched from the darkness, not wanting to break the spell, then crept back to my room. It was then I began to suspect that my father had wanted to mend the breach as much as I had. Awkward and proud, he hadn' t known how, and neither had I. Timmy became the bridge over which we could reach for each other.

For the rest of our stay, the tension slowly melted. My father and I didn' t discuss our rift directly. Thanks to Timmy, we didn' t need to. Having claimed his hapa haole grandson, my father no longer defined our family by uniform set of features. Curly-haired, hazel-eyed Timmy was loved for himself.

We returned to the islands the following summer. Timmy, now a toddler, splashed in the surf with his grandfather. The summer after that, they built a tree house out of scrap lumber and painted it blue.

So pleased was my father with his new grandfather status that he took early retirement when Timmy was four, to spend more time visiting his"New York family." My son and my father made a handsome pair as they walked together—the Chinese grandfather happily trailed by a different, bouncing shadow.




