
第25章 人在旅途中 (15)

In other words, you must "come out" get out of self away from self consciousness, into the region of partial oblivion away from the boundaries of time and the limitations of space. The great painter forgets all in the presence of his canvas; the writer is oblivious to his surroundings; the singer floats away on the wings of melody (and carries the audience with her); the orator pours out his soul for an hour, and it seems to him as if barely five minutes had passed, so rapt is he in his exalted theme.

When you reach the heights of sublimity and are expressing your highest and best, you are in a partial trance condition. And all men who enter this condition surprise themselves by the quantity of knowledge and the extent of insight they possess. And some going a little deeper than others into this trance condition, and having no knowledge of the miraculous storing up of truth in the subconscious cells, jump to the conclusion that their intelligence is guided by a spirit not theirs.

The mind is a dual affair objective and subjective. The objective mind sees all, hears all, reasons things out. The subjective mind stores up and only gives out when the objective mind sleeps.

And as few men ever cultivate the absorbed, reflective or semi trance state, where the objective mind rests, they never really call on their subconscious treasury for its stores.

A mall in commerce, where men prey on their kind, must be alive and alert to what is going on, or while he dreams, his competitor will seize upon his birthright.

But what think you is necessary before a person call come into full possession of his subconscious treasures?

"You sing well, " said the master, impatiently, to his best pupil, "but you will never sing divinely until you have given your all for love, and then been neglected and rejected, and scorned and beaten, and left for dead. Then, if you do not exactly die, you will come back, and when the world hears your voice it will mistake you for an angel and fall at your feet. "

And the moral is that as long as you are satisfied and comfortable, you use only the objective mind and live in the world of sense. But let love be torn from your grasp and flee as a shadow living only as a memory in a haunting sense of loss.

And thus looking out into the Eternal, you entirely forget the present and go forth into the Land of Sub consciousness the Land of Spirit.














intelligence [in'telidns] n. 智力;理解力;情报工作;情报机关

Richard is far beneath Henry in intelligence.


myriad ['mirid] n. 无数;极大数量;无数的人或物

Philosophers interpret the world in a myriad of ways.


canvas ['k鎛vs] n. 帆布;油画(布)

Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by



orator ['rt] n. 演说者;雄辩家;演讲者

The orator talked for hours together.





Then, if you do not exactly die, you will come back, and when the world hears your voice it will mistake you for an angel and fall at your feet.

come back:回来;记起;恢复原状

You entirely forget the present and go forth into the Land of Sub consciousness the Land of Spirit.

go forth:出发;向前去;发布


"Get to"

佚名 / Anonymous