
第14章 捕捉每个精彩时刻 (5)

Most people have strong feelings and opinions about money, based on childhood experiences and the values and beliefs of their families. Most often, these experiences, values, and beliefs are different for each parent. It is vital for the healthy development of children that parents talk about these feelings and opinions and establish a consistent approach to teaching children about money.

Here are some guidelines parents can keep in mind as they begin the financial socialization of their children:

Guide and advise rather than direct and dictate how the child’s money should be used.

Encourage and praise the child rather than criticize and rebuke actions taken.

Allow children to learn by mistakes and by successes.

Be consistent while taking children’s differences into account.

Include all family members in money management discussions, decision making, and activities as appropriate for their age.

Explain to children what they can and cannot do and the consequences of violating the limits.

As children get older increasingly include them in discussions of limits and consequences.

Expect all family members to perform unpaid, routine household chores based on their abilities.

Express your desire to have things you can’t afford. Children need to know that parents say “no” to themselves, too.













The Orange Rock橙形石头

When I came to the farm as a bride, the rock was there, just around the corner of the house. It was an ugly dull orange, about a foot in diameter, and stuck up a couple of inches through the back lawn waiting to trip me.

“Can’t we dig it out?” I asked after I hit full speed with the lawn mower, breaking the blade.

“No, it’s always been there.” my husband said, and his father agreed. “It goes down pretty deep, I reckon.” My father-in-law added, “My wife’s family has lived here since the Civil War. No one ever got it out.”

So it stayed. My children were born, grew up and went away. My father in-law died. Some time later, my husband died.

After the mourning, there was the coping—and with a sharpened awareness of my surroundings, because I could change them more easily than my life’s situation. The way a woman sees her house when a company comes unexpectedly. I saw a hundred little sore spots. I began to heal them, one at a time.

The spot at the southwest corner of the house, however, was never going to look nice. Now with that rock protection weeds and crab grass to form a scab on the green.

I went to the shed and got my shovel. I was going to dig out the rock.

I braced myself for what was to be a long day, perhaps experienced by previous generations who had tried to dislodge the rock. I put on heavy shoes and rolled out my wheelbarrow. If it took the whole day, that rock was going to come out.

Five minutes later the rock was out. It had been about a foot deep, and maybe six inches wider than it looked from the top. I pried it loose with a crowbar and hoisted it into the wheelbarrow.

I was stunned. That rock had persisted there beyond living memory. Each family had taken it on faith that the previous generation had tried and faith to remove it. Because the rock had appeared to be large and deep, it was treated as immovable and strong. I have seen people do this too—and get others to walk carefully around them and assume a depth of character and knowledge solely from demeanor rather than from actual accomplishment.

The orange rock had earned my respect. I couldn’t just dump it behind the barn. So I wheeled it over to the shed, still within sight of the house. It rests there, with vinca growing around it.

I still see the rock every day but now as something good in my little landscape. It’s a reminder that each generation ought to find things out for itself.











