
第24章 假如你爱得够深 (8)

1. He knows so____that young men have to have older and more worldly wise men to____them. For____who to trust, how to care for others, and____to live life to the fullest.

2. “John,” I ask. “How do you stick together with someone through 38 years — not to____the sickness? How do I know if I can____to stand by my wife’s side__ she becomes sick One day?”

3. “You can,” he says quietly. “If you love her____ , you can.”


1. 八年来,她一直在与癌症抗争,最终还是走到了生命的尽头。


2. 对于维持美好婚姻来说,这封情书同样是一剂灵丹妙药。


3. 他对她悉心呵护,她对此心照不宣——对于一个了解一切的人,你很难隐瞒住什么。



1. For instance who to trust...

for instance:例如;比如;举例来说


2. Even though John always had a ready answer...

even though:即使;纵然;尽管;虽然;甚至



Happiness Index

佚名 / Anonymous

In terms of happiness, your spouse — if you have one — is worth 100000 a year.

That’ s the finding of two economists who have tried to put a monetary value on happiness, measuring the emotional value of everything from religion to racial discrimination in dollars.

Such a calculation, admits economist David Blanchflower is “a little bit off the wall” and may prompt wry comments within some marriages on “cashing in”.

The two economists are, of course, speaking of averages. They have used an annual survey of some 1,500 Americans from 1972 to 1998 to measure self-reported happiness and the factors that go with it. But it turns out that the happiness value of a stable marriage is “incredibly high”, says Dr. Blanchflower, a professor at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N. H., whose study has just been published by the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Mass. “Don’ t give it up lightly.”

Blanch flower and his partner Andrew Oswald, an economist at Warwick University in Britain, begin with this question: “Taken all together, how would you say things are these days — would you say that you are happy, pretty happy, or not so happy?”

The survey results include detailed characteristics of those surveyed-married, divorced, single, income level, race, gender, etc. With that data, they found which factors are associated with greater happiness.

Extra money does buy some happiness. But not as much as many would suspect. Constructing a sort of happiness index that assigns 3 to “very happy”, 2 to “pretty happy”, and 1 to “not too happy”, the two reckon that an extra dollar provides 0.00000409 in additional happiness. Or 10,000 would give you 0.04 units of extra happiness.

The two economists, using this index, assign a dollar value to other factors associated with more or less happiness.

Using that device, a lasting marriage is worth 100,000 per year compared with being widowed or divorced. Being “separated” is the greatest depressant of happiness, followed closely by the death of a spouse.

Second and subsequent marriages are less happy than first marriages on average.

A 16-year-old whose parents divorced has a lower level of well-being in adulthood.

“Marriage is believed by psychologists and psychiatrists to provide a protective effect to mental well-being. ” The authors note.

Blanchflower suspects the decline in the happiness level of Americans from the early 1970s to the late 1990s, despite rising incomes, may be attributed to the rise in divorce.

Other findings include:

To bring African-Americans up to average happiness levels, they would need an extra 30,000 in annual income.

This, the authors speculate, may be the impact of racial discrimination. Over the past few decades, however, their happiness level has risen. “Blacks have made up some ground. ” They say.

Unemployment is highly damaging to men’ s happiness. It would take 60,000 a year to offset being jobless.

Men’ s happiness has trended up. Women’ s sense of well-being, though higher than that of men, has fallen “noticeably”.

Policies aimed at ending discrimination against women apparently have not boosted their happiness overall.

The educated tend to be happier than those less educated, even when separated from the higher income that often accompanies greater education.

Happiness and life satisfaction are U-shaped according to age. In the United States, people’ s sense of well-being sinks to a low around 40 and then rises.

Perhaps, the authors suggest, people adapt to their circumstances, relinquish some unfulfilled aspirations by the middle of their lives, and enjoy life more.

Being religious has a positive effect.

Overall the number of children and siblings a person has doesn’ t have an impact on their happiness. But for those under 30, happiness decreases proportionately to the number of both children and siblings. Blanchflower and Mr. Oswald found it in a separate study, “The Rising Well-Being of the Young”.

Blanchflower suspects this has to do with the stress associated with having lots of kids.

Surveys in Britain give “noticeably similar results” to those in the US. But people’ s level of satisfaction has remained about the same from the early 1970s to the late1990s.

说到幸福,你的伴侣——如果你有的话—— 一年的价值是10万美元。









