
第11章 出门旅游观光 (1)

Going out and Having Fun


我们可以走过去,很近。 We can walk there, it’s very close


走吧。 Let’s go.

3. 大概走10分钟就到了。 We can be there in 10 minu-


4. 你好!朝阳公园怎么走? Hello! How can I get to Cha-

oyang Park?

5. 您知道朝阳公园在哪吗? Hi! Do you know where Cha-

oyang Park is?


我得问一问路。 You should ask the way.


我们好像走错了。 I think we have gone the wr-

ong way.

8. 你确定是这么走吗? Are you sure this is the way?

9. 我们走到下一个红绿灯就到了。 You walk up to the traffic light and it’s right there.

10. 我经常走着去上班。 I often walk this way to go to work.

11. 前面左拐就到了。 Straight ahead on the left, and you are right there.

12. 走多长时间? How much further to walk?

13. 一直走。 Straight ahead.

14. 先左拐,然后在红绿灯那右拐。 First turn left, and then right at the traffic lights.

15. 走快一点。 Let’s go a little faster.

16. 这附近有日本料理店吗? Is there a Japanese rest-aurant close by?

17. 博物馆离这儿远吗? Is the museum far?

18. 我走不动了,累死了。 I can’t walk anymore, I’m


19. 我们休息一下吧。 Let’s rest a little while.

20. 你好!我想去最近的医院。 Hello! I need to go to the ne-

arest hospital.


我们坐地铁去吧。 Let’s take the subway.


坐几号线? What subway line?

3. 要换乘吗? Do you need to transfer?

4. 在哪一站下车? Where do I get off?

5. 一号线换乘二号线。 Take line 1, then transfer to line 2.


北京的地铁很好。 Beijing subway is very good.


地铁里挤死了。 You get squeezed to death on a Beijing subway.

8. 我先去买地铁票。 I’ll go and buy a subway

ticket first.

9. 我们要坐几站? How many stops?

10. 坐地铁很快,10分钟就到了。 The subway is very quick, you can be there in 10 min-


11. 我们坐反了。 You are going the wrong


12. 地铁里可以打电话吗? Can you use a cell phone in the subway?

13. 地铁2分钟一趟。 One subway trip is 2


14. 去图书馆怎么坐地铁? How can I take the subway to the library?

15. 我们应该出A口还是D口? I should go to exit A or exit D?

16. 这趟地铁没有空调。 This subway doesn’t have air conditioning.

17. 我们要准备零钱,买地铁票。 We should prepare some change/get some change ready to buy a subway tic-


18. 附近有地铁站吗? Is there a subway station


19. 坐地铁可以直接到美术馆吗? Can you take the subway directly to the art gallery?

20. 这儿没有地铁。 There is no subway here.


我们打车吧。 Let’s take a taxi.


这儿出租车很少。 There are few taxis around here.

3. 下雨的时候,很难打到出租车。 When it rains, it’s hard to

get a taxi.

4. 我已经等了10分钟了,没有空车。 We’ve already waited for ten minutes, and there are no taxis.

5. 我们到下一个路口等车吧。 Let’s wait at the next



门口有很多出租车。 There are lots of taxis at the entrance.


请帮我放一下行李。 Could you please help me with my luggage?

8. 我可以给出租车公司打电话。 I can give you the phone

number of the taxi company.

9. 请帮我叫出租车。 Please help me call a taxi.

10. 您知道东方小区吗? Do you know the East Com-pound?

11. 我们得打两辆车。 We should call two taxis.

12. 哦,这有很多人打车。 Ah, there are lots of people waiting for taxis here.

13. 前面有一辆空车。 There is a free taxi in front.

14. 这里不可以打车。 You can’t call a taxi here.

15. 哎呀,出租车师傅没有看到我招手。 Oh no, the taxi driver didn’t see me wave.


你好! Hello!


您去哪? Where are you going?

3. 我去王府井。 To Wangfujing.

4. 我们走这条路吧,那条路现在太堵了。 Let’s take this road, that road is too blocked / jammed.

5. 可以快一点吗? Can we go a little faster?


多长时间能到? How long until we get there?


现在堵车,不知道多长时间可以到。 Right now there is a traffic jam, I don’t know what time we will arrive.

8. 师傅,你开得太快了。 Driver, you are driving too quickly.

9. 请开一下空调。 Please put on the air cond-itioner.

10. 我不知道这个地方。 I don’t know that place.

11. 您换一辆车吧。 Please get into another taxi.

12. 您是去新的博物馆还是老的? Are you going to the new or old museum?

13. 师傅,跟着前面那辆车。 Driver, please follow the car in front?

14. 您是不是走错了? Have you gone the wrong way?

15. 我们走二环还是三环? Are we taking the second or third ring road?


到了。 We've arrived.


在哪停? Where shall I stop?

3. 在门口停可以吗? Can I stop at the entrance?

4. 前面不能停车,您在这下车吧。 I can’t stop further ahead, you can get out here.

5. 多少钱? How much?


我要发票。 I want a receipt.


再见。 Good bye.

8. 你要去南门还是北门? Do you want the south or north entrance?

9. 马上到了。 Almost there.

10. 你可以等一下吗?我的朋友来付钱。 Can you hold on a moment? My friend will come and pay.


我们坐公交车去吧。 We can go by bus.


你知道到中山公园坐几路吗? Do you know which bus route I can take to Zhongshan Park?

3. 坐1路吧。 Take Bus No.1.

4. 可能我们要倒车。 We might have to change busses.

5. 在哪倒车? Where do we change?


去天安门可以坐公交车吗? Can I take a bus to Tiananm-



不太远,坐两站就到了。 It’s not far, just 2 stops and you are there.

8. 这附近有公交车站吗? Is there a bus stop nearby?

9. 需要零钱吗? Do you need change?

10. 车上有空调吗? Does the bus have air


11. 公交车上人多不多? Are there many people on the bus?

12. 请问,8路是在这等吗? Excuse me, do I wait here for bus No.8?

13. 1路车来了,我们上车吧。 Bus No.1 has arrived, let’s get on.

14. 多长时间来一趟公交车? How often do the buses


15. 我已经等了20分钟了,公交车怎么还不来? I’ve already waited 20 min-

utes, why hasn’t the bus come?


你好,请买票。 Hello, Please buy a ticket.


你到哪? Where are you going?

3. 我去天安门,在哪下车? I’m going to Tiananmen, where should I get off?

4. 到故宫2块。 To the Forbidden City is 2 ku-


5. 去动物园在哪倒车? To get to the Zoo, where sho-

uld I change busses?


下一站可以换乘1路,是吗? Can I change to bus No.1 from the next stop?


天安门到了,请下车。 We have arrived at Tiananm-

en, please get off the bus.

8. 人太多了,没有座位。 It’s so busy, there is no whe-re to sit.

9. 请各位乘客准备好下车! All passengers please prepare to get off the train.

10. 前方到站是颐和园,请下车的乘客做好准备。 The nest stop is Yiheyuan, passengers for the next stop please prepare.

11. 你刷卡还是买票? Do you want to swipe your card, or buy a ticket?

12. 黄色座位是给老人孩子准备的。 The yellow seats are for old people and children.

13. 这不是4路吗? Isn't this bus No.4?

14. 您坐错车了。 I've taken the wrong bus.

15. 终点站到了,请下车。 This is the final stop, please get off the bus.


下个星期我去上海,什么时候可以买火车票? Next week I am going to Shanghai, when can I buy tickets?


你可以提前10天买票。 You can buy 10 days in


3. 下午我去火车站买票。 In the afternoon, I’m going to buy train tickets.

4. 可以打电话定火车票吗? Can you book train tickets over the phone?

5. 8月20号,到广州的火车票,两张。 I would like 2 tickets to

Guangzhou on August 20th.


对不起,8点的票卖完了。 I'm sorry, the 8 o'clock train has sold out.


没有座位,站票可以吗? There are no seats, would you like a standing ticket?

8. 到云南的火车都是几点? The trains to Yunnan are at what time?

9. 明天上午去青岛的火车票有吗? Are there train tickets to Qin-

gdao for tomorrow afterno-


10. 8点有一趟车,9:30有一趟,你想要几点的? There is a train at 8 o'clock and 9:30. What time would you like?

11. 多长时间到? What time will be arrive?

12. 有快一点的车吗? Do you have a faster train?

13. 我要卧铺。 I would like a sleeper.

14. 明天到青岛,T256这个车有票吗? Tomorrows train to Qingdao, No.T256 have tickets?

15. 可以给我一张靠窗的票吗? Can you give me a window seat?

16. 8点的票没有了,10点可以吗? There are no 8 o’clock tickets, is 10 o’clock OK?

17. 只有高速铁路票了,你要吗? There are only fast train tick-

ets, is that OK?

18. 这个车没有空调。 There is no air conditioning on this train.

19. 多少钱? How much is it?

20. 我现在要去大连,有几点的火车? I would like to go to Dalian, what time is the train?


请问,我的火车是8:15的,几点检票? Excuse me, my train is at 8:15, what time will you check the tickets?


在哪检票? Where can I get my tickets checked?