
第13章 出门旅游观光 (3)

re are so many cars.

14. 哦,糟糕,我的车出问题了。 Oh damn, there is something wrong with my car.

15. 前面太堵了,我们走另外一条路吧。 It’s too jammed ahead, let’s take another road.


你好!我可以把车停在这吗? Hello, can I park my car he-



哪可以停车? Where can I park?

3. 附近有停车场吗? Is there a car park nearby?

4. 对不起,车位满了。 I’m sorry, there are no car


5. 我们只能停在很远的地方。 The only place to park is far from here.


对不起,这儿不可以停车。 I’m sorry, you can’t park



在这儿停车我们要收费。 To park here we have a fee /


8. 一小时多少钱? How much for one hour?

9. 附近有一个大的停车场吗? Is there a large car park ne-arby?

10. 我找不到地方停车。 I can’t find a place to park.


下个月我打算去旅游。 Next month I plan to take a holiday.


这个季节适合去南方玩儿。 This season is a good time

to go south.

3. 你去过西班牙吗? Have you been to Spain?

4. 我的朋友邀请我去云南旅游。 My friend invited me to Yun-

nan for travelling.

5. 我们打算去欧洲度蜜月。 We are planning to go to

Europe for our honeymoon.


你想去哪玩儿? Where would you like to go?


海南怎么样?我想去那旅游。 How is Hainan? I would like to go there on holiday.

8. 8月我休假,一起去青岛吧。 I have vacation in August, let’s go to Qingdao together.

9. 现在去日本,可以去哪些城市旅游? I’m going to Japan, which cities can I go to visit?

10. 我要咨询一下旅游公司。 I would like to consult a trav-

el company.

11. 我很想再去一次云南。 I would really like to return to Yunnan once more.

12. 大连是一个值得看的地方。 Dalian is a place well worth visiting.

13. 现在是旅游旺季吗? Is right now a high season for vacations?

14. 你要自己去玩儿还是跟着旅游团? Do you want to travel ind-ependently, or with a tour group?

15. 我建议你去丽江。 I suggest you go to Lijiang.


我应该买一个帽子。 I should buy a hat.


记得带一些药。 Remember to bring medicine.

3. 别忘了驱蚊液。 Don’t forget insect repellent.

4. 用一个大一点的包吧。 Use a bigger bag.

5. 再检查一下物品。 Double check your things.


火车票放哪了? Where are the train tickets?


拿一把雨伞就行了。 Good to bring an umbrella.

8. 我们得带一个手电筒。 We should bring a torch.

9. 哦,我的东西太多了。 Ah, I have too many things.

10. 照相机放进去了吗? Have you packed your camera?

11. 我得带着太阳镜。 I need to bring my sunglasses.

12. 一定不能忘了防晒霜。 Definitely don’t forget to bring sun cream.

13. 我们带一个包就够了。 One bag is enough for us.

14. 不要带太多东西。 I don’t want to bring too


15. 把火车票放在衣服的口袋里吧。 Put the train ticket in your pocket.


我们得先订好酒店。 We should book a good hot-



我先上网查一查酒店吧。 I’ll first look up on the inter-

net good hotels.

3. 你好!希尔顿饭店。 Hello! Xi Er Dun Hotel.

4. 找一个离火车站近的酒店吧。 Look for a hotel near the tr-

ain station.

5. 我们可以订青年旅社。 We can book a youth hotel.


订一个四星级的酒店就行了。 It would be good to book a 4 star hotel.


我的预算是每晚150元。 My budget is 150 yuan per ni-


8. 海滩附近的酒店已经订满了。 All the hotels near the beach are already full.

9. 我要订房间。 I would like to book a room.

10. 周五晚上开始住,标准间。两天。 Standard room for 2 nights from Friday.

11. 有早餐吗? Do you do breakfast?

12. 请留下您的姓名和联系电话。 Please leave your name and contact telephone number.

13. 对不起,没有空房间了。 I’m sorry, we have no roo-ms available.

14. 只有3人间了。 We only have triple rooms.

15. 您大概几点过来住? What time roughly will you arrive?

16. 您订的房间号是

214。 You have booked room 214.

17. 标准间多少钱? How much is a standard ro-om?

18. 最便宜的一晚上多少钱? How much is your cheapest room per night?

19. 我们订一个单人间,两个双人间。 We’ve booked one single room and two double rooms.

20. 请问,酒店附近的交通方便吗? Excuse me, is there conven-ient transportation from the hotel?


我预定了房间。 I have booked a room.


给你钥匙。 I’ll give you a key.

3. 你能帮我拿一下行李吗? Can you help me take my lug-


4. 请办理入住手续。 Please check in.

5. 早饭几点开始? What time does breakfast start?


贵重物品可以放在你的房间吗? Can I keep valuables in your room?


有空房间吗? Do you have a room avai-lable?

8. 我们的电视坏了。 Our television is broken.

9. 不能洗澡。 There is no shower.

10. 能换房间吗? Can I change rooms?

11. 我忘记带钥匙了。 I forgot my key.

12. 可以帮我换一些钱吗? Can you help me change so-

me money?

13. 请服务员来一下。 Can you send a receptionist?

14. 电话可以用吗? Can I use the phone?

15. 还有别的房间吗? Do you have another room?

16. 我的钱包放在房间里不见了。 My wallet has disappeared from my room.

17. 这个空调没有冷气。 This air conditioner has no cold air.

18. 明天早上能叫我起床吗? Tomorrow morning, can you give me a wake up call?

19. 你们好像没有打扫干净。 It looks as though you hav-en’t cleaned.

20. 可以打长途电话吗? Can I make a long distance call?


我要退房。 I want to check out.


我住了几天? How many days have I sta-yed?

3. 你住在哪个房间? Which room did you stay in?

4. 多少钱? How much?

5. 可以刷卡吗? Can I pay by card?


电话费这么多吗? How much is the telephone charge?


我没有打过电话呀! I haven’t used the phone!

8. 您能再算一下吗? Could you calculate again?

9. 这是你放在服务台的东西。 These are the things you left in reception.

10. 帮我叫一辆出租车吧。 Please help me call a cab.

11. 帮我把行李放到车上。 Help me put my luggage in the taxi.

12. 不是有优惠吗? Isn’t there a discount/ favo-urable / promotionalprice?

13. 我要提前退房。 I would like to check out in advanced.

14. 这是房间的钥匙。 This is the room key.

15. 给您账单。 Here is the bill.
