
第17章 娱乐生活 (3)

15. 我只喜欢看足球比赛,不喜欢踢足球。 I only like to watch football matches, I don’t like to play.

16. 我一星期打两次壁球。 I play squash twice a week.

17. 哦,我出了很多汗。 Oh, I’m sweating a lot.

18. 你可以教我打壁球吗? Can you teach me how to play squash?

19. 这个网球拍坏了。 This tennis racquet is brok-


20. 我要换一个羽毛球拍。 I would like to change my badminton racquet.


我想打高尔夫球。 I want to go and play golf.


和我一起去打高尔夫球,好吗? How about we go together to play golf?

3. 这附近有高尔夫球场地吗? Is there a golf course near-by?

4. 一天多少钱? How much each day?

5. 我没有高尔夫球杆。 I don’t have any golf clubs.


你可以租用具。 You can hire equipment.


请帮我预约高尔夫球。 Could you help me book a game of golf?

8. 你想预约哪一天? What day would you like to book?

9. 几个人去打? How many people are com-ing to play?

10. 好,几点开始? Great, what time to start?

11. 周六上午去打,好吗? Is Saturday morning OK?

12. 现在高尔夫球场地太干。 Right now the golf course is too dry.

13. 朝阳公园高尔夫球场不错。 The golf course in Chaoyang Park is OK.

14. 我得去买双球鞋。 I need to buy a pair of golf shoes.

15. 你可以教我打高尔夫吗? Can you teach me how to pl-

ay golf?


我办了一张健身卡。 I’ve got a gym membership card.


我每星期去两次健身房。 I go to the gym twice a we-


3. 我在学习瑜伽。 I’m learning Yoga.

4. 我要去健身房跳有氧操。 I want to go to a gym with aerobics.

5. 哦,这个健身房的空气不好。 Oh, the air in the gym is bad.


这个教练很专业。 The instructor is very prof-essional.


在健身房你做什么运动? What sport do you do in the Gym?

8. 你去健身房吗? Do you go to the gym?

9. 我家附近刚开一个健身房。 A new gym has just opened near my home.

10. 我的协调度不好。 My coordination is bad.

11. 男性也可以练瑜伽。 Men can also practice yoga.

12. 你有瑜伽服吗? Do you have yoga clothes?

13. 你们有有氧操的课程吗? Do you have aerobics class-es?

14. 慢慢吸气。 Breathe slowly.

15. 哦,累死了。 Oh, I’m exhausted.

16. 你得穿舒服一点的衣服。 You should wear comfor-table clothes.

17. 我每次在跑步机上跑半个小时。 I go on the running machine for half an hour each time.

18. 跳这个舞可以减肥。 Doing this dance can help you lose weight.

19. 这是欧洲最流行的有氧运动了。 This is Europe’s the most fashionable aerobic exercise.

20. 这家健身房的人很少。 There are not too many peo-ple at this gym.


我喜欢钓鱼。 I like fishing.


你有渔具吗? Do you have fishing gear?

3. 我找到了一个很好的钓鱼的地方。 I’ve found a great place to go fishing.

4. 周末陪我去钓鱼好吗? Would you like to come fish-

ing with me this weekend?

5. 我经常去钓鱼。 I often go fishing.


钓鱼让我心情放松。 Fishing relaxes my mood.


你钓了几条鱼? How many fish have you ca-ught?

8. 昨天就钓了一条鱼。 I only caught one fish yest-erday.

9. 昨天我钓了一条黑鱼。 Yesterday I caught a mullet.

10. 可以租用渔具吗? Can I rent fishing gear?

11. 在这里钓鱼要收费。 You have to pay to fish here.

12. 钓一小时多少钱? How much to fish for one hour?

13. 这里不准钓鱼。 You are not allowed to fish here.

14. 在雨中钓鱼感觉不错。 Fishing in the rain feels go-


15. 得买一些鱼饵。 I need to buy some fishing bait.


他是一个登山爱好者。 He is a mountain climbing hobbyist / enthusiast.


周末我们约好了去登山。 This weekend we have a da-

te to go mountain climbing.

3. 哦,我背的东西太多了。 Oh, I’ve brought too many things.

4. 好像要下雨了,我们快一点下山吧。 Looks like it might rain, let’s

get down the mountain qui-


5. 我们休息一下再走吧。 Let’s rest for a while, and then continue.


你走得太快了,等等我。 You are walking too fast, wa-

it for me.


我们大概需要多长时间能爬到山顶。 Roughly how long do we ne-

ed to get to the top of the mountain?

8. 他们要挑战最危险的山。 They want the challenge of a dangerous mountain.

9. 我去年加入了登山队。 Last year I joined a mountain climbing group.

10. 我打算去泰山看日出。 I’m planning to climb Mount Tai to watch the sunrise.

11. 山上的空气很新鲜。 The mountain top air is very fresh.

12. 我们可以在山顶看到北京全景。 From the mountain peak, we can see the whole view of Beijing.

13. 我走不动了。 I can’t walk any more.

14. 山上有点儿冷。 It’s a little cold on the moun-tain top.

15. 山上的风景很美。 The view from the mountain top is very beautiful.


我不会游泳。 I can’t swim.


游泳可以让你保持身材。 Swimming can help you ma-

intain your body.

3. 你会几种游泳方式? How many different kinds of strokes can you swim?

4. 我很擅长自由式。 I am good at my own style.

5. 你冬天游泳吗? Do you swim in the winter?


夏天我经常去游泳。 I often go swimming in the summer.


水凉吗? Is the water cold?

8. 不可以去深水区。 You can’t go to the deep


9. 我每次游两个小时。 I swim for 2 hours each time.

10. 我没带泳镜。 I didn’t bring swimming goggles.

11. 游泳池的水干净吗? Is the water in the swimming pool clean?

12. 这附近有游泳馆吗? Is there a swimming pool ne-


13. 30块钱可以游一个小时。 It is 30 kuai for 1 hour.

14. 他游泳游得很好。 He swims very well.

15. 救命!我不会游泳。 Save me! I can’t swim.