
第9章 吃饭用语(1)


今天晚上我要去饭店吃饭。 Tonight I’m going to a rest-aurant to eat.


我饿死了,去饭店吃吧。 I’m starving, lets go and eat in the restaurant.

3. 太热了,想去饭馆吃。 It’s too hot, let’s go to a

restaurant to eat.

4. 我们应该去饭店庆祝一下。 Let’s go to a restaurant to celebrate.

5. 新开了一家四川饭店,我们去尝尝吧。 A new Sichuan restaurant has opened, let’s go and try it.


周末我们去吃日本料理,我请客。 This weekend we are going to eat Japanese food, It’s on me.


家里没有食物了,去外边吃吧。 There Isn’t any food at home, let’s go out to eat.

8. 我不会做饭,去饭店吃吧。 I can’t cook so let’s go to a restaurant to eat.

9. 下班后我们直接去饭店。 We will go straight to a rest-

aurant after work.

10. 那家的烤鸭很正宗。 That restaurant has very authentic Beijing duck.

11. 我想吃烤鸭了。 I want to eat Beijing duck.

12. 我发现一家很特别的饭店,我带你去。 I’ve found an exceptional restaurant, I’ll take you there.

13. 去哪吃饭啊? Where shall we go to eat?

14. 我不知道吃什么,你推荐一个饭店吧。 I don’t know what to eat, you recommend a restaurant.

15. 想吃火锅吗? Do you want to eat hot pot?


餐厅电话是多少,我要预约。 What’s the restaurants nu-mber, I would like to make a reservation.


那家店很火,我得预约。 That restaurant is very popu-

lar, so I should make a reser-


3. 我们什么时候去吃? What time are we going to eat?

4. 我想预约周五晚上的位子。 I would like to reserve a

table for Friday night.

5. 稍等,我帮你查一查有没有位子。 Please hold on, I’ll help you look for a table.


有几个人想去啊,我现在要预约。 How many people are going, I would like to book now.


我们一共两位。 All together, 2 people.

8. 可以给我们找一个有窗户的房间吗? Could I have a room with a


9. 对不起,周五晚上没位子了。 I’m sorry, there are no tabl-

es on Friday night.

10. 那周六晚上有位子吗? Are there tables on Saturday night?

11. 8点我们可以到? Can I come at 8?

12. 您留一个电话吧? Can I take down your numb-


13. 请留下您的名字。 Can I take down your name?

14. 周六晚上7点,3个人,对吗? Saturday night at 7 for 3 peo-

ple, right?

15. 如果7点您没来,我们会取消您的位子。 If you don’t arrive at 7, we will cancel your table.

16. 你好!是法国餐厅吗?我想预约。 Hello! Is this the French res-

taurant? I would like to make a reservation.

17. 周六中午和晚上都有位子,您想什么时候? There are places on both

Friday afternoon and


18. 餐厅附近有停车场吗? Is there a car park near the restaurant?

19. 你们几点关门? What time do you close?

20. 大概7点会有空位子。 We have space available

from 7 o’clock.


对不起,餐具不够。 Excuse me, there isn’t enou-

gh tableware.


可以多给我们一套餐具吗? Can we have one more set of tableware?

3. 这个勺子有点脏。 This spoon is a little dirty.

4. 请再给我一双筷子。 Please give me another set / pair of chopsticks.

5. 对不起,能给我换一双筷子吗? I’m sorry, could you please give me another set of chop-sticks?


我不会用筷子,有叉子吗? I can’t use chopsticks, do you have a fork?


这个盘子我们不需要,你可以拿走。 We don’t need this plate, you can take it away.

8. 服务员,少一个勺子。 Waiter, we are short one


9. 这个勺子是共用的。 This spoon is to share.

10. 对不起,我打碎了一个盘子。 I’m sorry, I smashed a plate.


有菜单吗? Do you have a menu?


我先看一下菜单。 I’ll have a look at the menu first.

3. 现在可以点餐了吗? Can I order now?

4. 我要点餐。 I would like to order.

5. 你们这里的特色菜是什么? What is the specialty dish here?


每个人点一个菜。 Everyone orders one dish.


这是什么菜? What is this dish?

8. 我不知道吃什么,你帮我点吧。 I don’t know what to eat, help me order.

9. 我第一次来,不知道哪个菜好吃。 This is my first time here, I don’t know what dishes are good.

10. 可以给我们介绍一下这道菜吗? Could you recommend us a dish?

11. 这里最受欢迎的菜是哪个? What is the most popular dish here?

12. 我看不懂菜单,我吃饺子。 I can’t read, I will have du-mplings. 或者说 I don’t und-

erstand the menu, I’ll have dumplings.

13. 一个意大利面,一个沙拉,一杯橙汁。谢谢。 One pasta, one salad and one glass of orange juice, thank you!

14. 我们两个要一样的。 We both would like the sa-


15. 这个菜辣吗? Is this dish spicy?

16. 您想要喝点什么,先生? What would you like to dri-

nk, Sir?

17. 有西红柿汤吗? Do you have tomato soup?

18. 我要一瓶啤酒,凉的。 I would like a bottle of beer, cold.

19. 这个菜现在不能做,您换一个吧。 This dish is not available right now, please change for another.

20. 你想吃米饭还是饺子? Would you like rice or dump-



米饭和菜一起上,好吗? Can you serve the rice with the dishes?


我已经等了15分钟了,怎么还没有上菜? I have already been waiting for 15 minutes, why has nothing been served?

3. 小姐,好像少一个菜。 Waitress, seems we are

short one dish.

4. 哦,我们没有点这个菜。 Oh, we didn’t order this


5. 先生,这是您的意大利面。 Sir, here is your pasta.


这是赠送的水果。 This is complimentary fruit.


请稍等,您的牛排马上好。 Please wait a moment, your steak will be ready right away.

8. 不好意思,让您久等了。 I’m so sorry to keep you wa-


9. 我们等一下再吃面条。 We will eat noodles later.

10. 先生,您点的菜都上齐了,请慢用。 Sir, all your dishes are ser-ved, please enjoy your meal.

11. 不好意思,人很多,请您稍等一下。 I’m so sorry, its very crow-ded, please hold on for a moment.

12. 哦,菜上得很快。 Ah, the dishes were served very quickly.

13. 那边有水果,您可以自己去取。 There is fruit over there, I’ll go and get some.

14. 哪位的意大利面? Who ordered pasta?

15. 我们先点一些啤酒。 We will order some beer first.


这个汤太好喝了。 This soup is delicious.


这里的服务很好。 The service is great here.

3. 这里很安静。 It is very quiet here.

4. 这是我吃过的最好吃的饺子。 These are the best dumplings I’ve ever eaten.

5. 嗯,很正宗。 Hmmm, very authentic.


这个椅子很舒服。 This chair is very comfortable.


那家饭店的环境非常好。 The ambience in the rest-aurant is excellent/really good.

8. 老板很幽默。 The boss is very humorous.

9. 服务员很礼貌。 The waiters are very polite.

10. 在那儿吃饭很愉快。 It’s been a pleasure to eat there.


太吵了。 It’s too noisy.


太难吃了。 This tastes awful.

3. 这不是正宗的法国菜。 This is not authentic French food.

4. 小姐,这个鱼已经不新鲜了。 Waitress, this fish is not


5. 这个服务员太没礼貌了,我要投诉。 This waiter is very impolite, I want to complain.


这个菜还没熟。 This dish is not cooked.


是不是没有放盐啊? Have you added salt?

8. 我要全熟的牛排,这不是全熟。 I want my steak well-done, this is not well done.

9. 那个菜看起来很恶心。 This dish looks disgusting.

10. 我再也不来这里吃饭了。 I will not return to this resta-



吃完了,我们买单吧。 All done, can we have the bill?


今天我请客。 Today it’s my treat / it’s on


3. 不,我们AA。 No, let’s go AA.

4. 买单! Bill! Check!

5. 一共是210块。 In total it’s 210 kuai.


我要发票。 I want a receipt.


小姐,我们买单。这两个菜打包。 Waitress, can we have the bill and these two dishes to take away.

8. 好吧,下次我请客。 Ok, next time it’s on me.

9. 可以刷卡吗? Can I pay by card?

10. 哦,太贵了。 Oh, too expensive.

11. 去哪买单? Where do I get the bill?

12. 我想看一下账单。 Can I have a look at the bill?

13. 我们没点这个吧。 We didn’t order this one.

14. 找您钱。 Here is your change.

15. 我们只要了一杯橙汁,不是两杯。 We only want one glass of orange juice, not two.


你好!欢迎光临! Hello! Welcome!


欢迎下次再来! Please come again.

3. 您几位? How many people?

4. 你想坐在靠窗的位子吗? Would you like a window seat?

5. 这是菜单。 Here is the menu.


要买单吗? Would you like the bill?


请慢用! Enjoy your meal.

8. 您好!请问需要什么服务? Hello! What can I do for you?

9. 您预约了吗? Have you made a reservation?

10. 您可以尝尝我们的特色菜。 You can try our special dish.


你经常去西餐厅还是中餐厅? Do you most often go to we-

stern restaurants, or Chine-

se restaurants?


你吃过日本料理吗? Have you eaten Japanese food?

3. 法国餐厅的环境很好。 The ambience in the French restaurant is very good.

4. 你选择哪些快餐店? Which restaurant have you chosen?

5. 四川菜很特别。 Sichuan food is very special.
